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I haven't got over it yet, and as for Hugh, I have never seen him so moved since since Robert died." Manvers was aware of Mrs. Flaxman's affection for her brother-in-law's memory; and it seemed to him natural and womanly that she should be touched artist and wordling though she was by this fresh effort in a similar direction.

When we took up the study of Italian in order to be able to read Dante moved thereto by the attractions of the long volume of Flaxman's illustrations of the 'Divina Commedia' we had to "fall back" a good deal on Mrs. Arkwright's scholarship.

This is a divine answer, and leaves no appeal and no hard thoughts. In Flaxman's drawing of the Eumenides of Aeschylus, Orestes supplicates Apollo, whilst the Furies sleep on the threshold. The face of the god expresses a shade of regret and compassion, but is calm with the conviction of the irreconcilableness of the two spheres. He is born into other politics, into the eternal and beautiful.

Story might have taken a lesson from Titian's matchless "Cleopatra" in the Cassel gallery, or from Marc Antonio's small woodcut of Raphael's "Cleopatra." Perhaps it is not too much to say of Crawford that he was the finest plastic genius of the Anglo-Saxon race. His technique may not have been equal to Flaxman's or St.

However, the fates for the moment seemed to have borrowed a leaf from Langham's book, and did not apparently know their own minds. It says volumes for Hugh Flaxman's general capacities as a human being that at this period he should have had any attention to give to a friend, his position as a lover was so dubious and difficult.

And" Flaxman's countenance kindled "let me just remind you of this: if you want to strengthen Meynell's cause if you want to win him thousands of new adherents you have only to launch against him a calumny which is sure to break down and will inevitably recoil upon you!" The two men had risen.

Bentley, his partner, at the works, he deplores the lack of encouragement in this direction which he received from the architects of his day; he, however, persevered, and by the aid of Flaxman's inimitable artistic skill as a modeller, made several plaques of his beautiful Jasper ware, which were let in to the friezes of chimney pieces, and also into other wood-work.

How tiring this is! How long did it take, Mr. Flaxman? 'Exactly three minutes' he said, his gaze fixed upon her with an expression that only Lady Helen noticed. 'So little! Good-night, Lady Charlotte! and giving her hand first to her hostess, then to Mr. Flaxman's bewildered sister, she moved away into the crowd.

There has been an accident at Petites Dalles. He has been in bed for a week. They hope to get home in a few days. Catherine writes bravely, but she is evidently very low. Hugh Flaxman's face fell. Certain letters he had received from Elsmere in July had lain heavy on his mind ever since, so pitiful was the half-conscious revelation in them of an incessant physical struggle. An accident!

It was with an effort for he knew it would be a shock to her that he began to talk to her about the breakfast-party at Mr. Flaxman's, and his talk with Murray Edwardes. But he had made it a rule with himself to tell her everything that he was doing or meant to do. She would not let him tell her what he was thinking. But as much openness as there could be between them, there should be.