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Hoveden, p. 462. M. Paris, p. 11. Annal. Waverl. p. 137. W. Heming. p. 463. Sim. Dunelm. p. 216. Prince Henry, disgusted that so little care had been taken of his interests in this accommodation, retired to St. Michael's Mount, a strong fortress on the coast of Normandy, and infested the neighbourhood with his incursions.

He forthwith set himself up as the champion of his priory, and in a learned tract, de Juribus et Possessionibus Ecclesiae Dunelm, established the validity of the long controverted claims, and fixed himself firmly in the abbot's chair. His success in this controversy gained him much renown among his brethren of the cowl, and in 1426 he presided at the general chapter of the order of St.

He hoped that the new planters would at last betake themselves to industry, when, by reason of his resistance, and the exhausted condition of the country, they could no longer subsist by plunder; and that they might serve him as a rampart against any future incursions of their countrymen. Chron. Sax. p. 85. Simeon Dunelm. p. 128. Alured Beverl. p. 105. Chron.

When William's profaneness therefore returned to him with his health, he was soon engaged in controversies with this austere prelate. M. Paris, p. 13. Diceto, p. 494. Spellm. M. Paris, p. 13. Sim. Flor. Wigorn. p. 649. Sim. Dunelm. p. 224.

Though the natural violence and severity of his temper made him incapable of feeling any remorse in the execution of this tyrannical purpose, he had art enough to conceal his intention, and to preserve still some appearance of justice in his oppressions. Sax. p. 173. Sim. Dunelm. p 197. Alur.

Simeon Dunelm. p. 131. Brompton, p. 812. Alured Beverl. ex edit. He increased the shipping of his kingdom both in number and strength, and trained his subjects in the practice, as well of sailing as of naval action.

DUNELM OF VEAL. Stew a few small mushrooms in their own liquor and a bit of butter, a quarter of an hour. Mince them fine, and put them with their liquor to some cold minced veal. Add a little pepper and salt, some cream, and a bit of butter rubbed in less than half a tea-spoonful of flour. Simmer the mince three or four minutes, and serve it on thin sippets of bread.

The pope frequently turned the zeal of the crusaders from the infidels against his own enemies, whom he represented as equally criminal with the enemies of Christ. Chron. T. Wykes. p. 24. Annal. Waverl. p. 139. W. Heming. p. 467. Flor. Wig. p. 648. Sim. Dunelm. p. 222. W. Malm. p. 123.

There is a code which passes under the name of Henry I., but the best antiquaries have agreed to think it spurious. It is however a very ancient compilation, and may be useful to instruct us in the manners and customs of the times. Dunelm p. 231. Brompton, p. 1000. Flor. Wigorn. p. 653. Dunelm. p. 231. Brompton, p. 1000. Hoveden, p. 471. Annal. Blackstone, vol. iii. p. 63.

This battle of Aston did not terminate the war: another battle was a little after fought at Basing, where the Danes were more successful; and being reinforced by a new army from their own country, they became every day more terrible to the English. W. Malm. lib. 2. cap. 3. Simeon Dunelm. p. 125.