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Good cribs to hold his corn, instead of leaving it on the stalk, or tuckin' it away in holler sycamore logs, good pump to h'ist his drinkin'-water with, good help to keep up with the work why, ther hain't a man on Matalette's whole place that don't look smart enough to run a farm all alone by himself.

"When you get into one o' them new houses, with a piazzer acrost the front, and plenty of windows, and a grass plot, and see Lucy washin' dishes at the little white sink with the hot and cold water runnin' free out of silver fassets, and know you don't have to tote your drinkin'-water a block, and ketch what rain-water you can in a bar'l, you won't feel so gritty, Bill!"

He's tryin' to eat that manger up right now, and I bet it ain't good for him." "Come on," said Penrod, closing the door that gave entrance to the stalls. "We got to get this horse some drinkin'-water and some good food." They tried Whitey's appetite first with an autumnal branch which they wrenched from a hardy maple in the yard.

He's tryin' to eat that manger up right now, and I bet it ain't good for him." "Come on," said Penrod, closing the door that gave entrance to the stalls. "We got to get this horse some drinkin'-water and some good food." They tried Whitey's appetite first with an autumnal branch that they wrenched from a hardy maple in the yard.