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Wounded. 11th Bengal Lancers . . 0 2 No.8 Mountain Battery. . 6 21 Guides Infantry. . . 2 10 35th Sikhs. . . . 22 45 38th Dogras. . . . 0 2 Sappers.. . . . 4 15 Total Casualties, 149; with 48 horses and mules. The action of the 16th September is considered by some to have been a reverse. I do not think this view is justified by the facts. The troops accomplished every task they were set.

Reinforcements, however, joined them, and they renewed their attack, but without much spirit, at 9.30 P.M. They were again repulsed with loss. Once, during a thunderstorm that broke over the camp, they charged the 45th Sikhs' position, and were driven off with the bayonet. Only two men were wounded during the night. In the morning the 38th Dogras and 35th Sikhs marched into the camp.

They were English lads from every country; Scots, Irish, Welsh, of every regiment; Australians, New-Zealanders, South Africans, Canadians, West Indian negroes of the Garrison Artillery; Sikhs, Pathans, and Dogras of the Indian Cavalry. Some of them had been sick and there was a greenish pallor on their faces. Most of them were deeply tanned.

'I won't have Line men taken off regular guards in this way. Put on a couple of Native Infantry. 'Sikhs? said the Subaltern, lifting his eyebrows. 'Sikhs, Pathans, Dogras they're all alike, these black vermin, and the Captain talked to Khem Singh in a manner which hurt that old gentleman's feelings.

The 11th Bengal Lancers, the 38th Dogras and the 35th Sikhs started at dawn. No.1 and No.7 British Mountain Batteries were also ordered up. The Guides Cavalry had already arrived. Their infantry under Lieutenant Lockhart reached the Kotal at 7.30 P.M. on the 27th, having, in spite of the intense heat and choking dust, covered thirty-two miles in seventeen and a half hours.

The Field-Marshal stopped to talk to a big sowar. As he did so the men in their cots raised their heads and a sudden whisper ran round the ward. Dogras, Rajputs, Jats, Baluchis, Garhwalis clutched at the little pulleys over their cots, pulled themselves up with painful efforts, and saluted.

"I won't have Line men taken off regular guards in this way. Put on a couple of Native Infantry." "Sikhs?" said the Subaltern, lifting his eyebrows. "Sikhs, Pathans, Dogras they're all alike, these black vermin," and the Captain talked to Khem Singh in a manner which hurt that old gentleman's feelings.

Sir Bindon Blood, whose position at Nawagai was now one of danger, sent the brigadier, instead of reinforcements, orders to vigorously prosecute the operations against the tribesmen, and on the morning of the 18th the force moved to attack the village of Domodoloh, which the 38th Dogras had found so strongly occupied on the 16th. Again the enemy were numerous.

And he was holding his audience spellbound: Hindus of every calling; students in abundance; a sprinkling of Sikhs and Dogras from the lines. Some form of hypnotism, was it? Perhaps. Even Roy could not listen unmoved, when the spirit shook the frail creature like a gust of wind and the hollow chest-notes vibrated with appeal or command. Such men and India is full of them are spiritual dynamos.

" " " N.H.S. Lowe, Royal West Kent. " " 2nd Lieut. F.A. Jackson, Royal West Kent. BRITISH SOLDIERS. Killed. Wounded. Royal West Kent... 3 20 NATIVE RANKS. Killed. Wounded. Guides Cavalry... 0 4 31st Punjaub Infantry . 7 15 38th Dogras ... 0 4 Total casualties, 61. This is, I believe, the first time a British Cavalry officer has been attached to a native infantry regiment.