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"I hab den, I hab hear someting." "What?" "Dat I doan know." "It's the frizzlin' o' those shark-steaks; or, maybe, some sea-bird squeaking up in the air." "No, neyder one nor todder. Hush! Massa Brace, I hab hear some soun' 'tirely diffrent, somethin' like de voice ob human man. You obsarb silence. Maybe we hear im agen."

"In coorse I duz that for sartin'. The feelin's I hev torst that gurl air diffrent to them as one hez for Injun squaws, or the queeries I've danced wi' in the fandangoes o' San Antone. Ef she'll agree to be myen, I meen nothin' short o' the hon'rable saramony o' marridge same as atween man an' wife. What do ye think o't?" "I think, Walt, you might do worse than get married.

So that you see he laid by a pretty handsome sum at the end of the year. My master was diffrent; and being a more fashnable man than Mr. B., in course he owed a deal more mony. I give this as a curosity pipple doan't know how in many cases fashnabble life is carried on; and to know even what a real gnlmn OWES is somethink instructif and agreeable. But to my tail.

"Did you like the service, Amarilly?" she whispered. "Was it like the theatre?" "It was diffrent," said Amarilly impressively. "I think it's what heaven is!" "And did you like the sermon St. John preached?" Amarilly's lips quivered. "I liked it so much, I liked him so much, I'd ruther not talk about it."

The Wood is of the Birch kind, but of a diffrent Quality to that in England or North America; here are likewise of the Winter Bark tree and some few others, Wild Selary, some Berrys like Cranberrys, but growing on Bushes, very few Wild Fowls of any Sort, and no Fish Except Shell Fish, such as Muscels, Limpets, etc.; and what we saw of the interior parts of the Country is still more barren of the necessaries of Life than the Sea.

Banks and I took Toobouratomita on board the Ship and shew'd him the print containing the Colours worne by the ships of Diffrent Nations, and very soon made him understand that we wanted to know which of them was worn by the ships that were at Ohidea. Monday, 12th.

"Hallie would look beautiful in it, and 'twould be diffrent from any one else's funeral. How you allers think of things, Amarilly! But I ain't got no dollar to pay you fer it." "If you did hev one," replied Amarilly Indignantly, "I shouldn't let you pay fer it. We're neighbors, and what I kin do fer Hallie I want ter do." "Well, Amarilly, it's certainly fine fer you to feel that way.

"That was my fault, God forgi' me!" "He ain't her husband nothin' o' the kind. The marriage war a sham. He war takin' poor Marian out thar for a diffrent purpose an' Lilian too." "For what purpose?" cried Holt, a new light seeming suddenly to break upon his mind. "To make " answered Wingrove hesitatingly.

Whin England purrishes, th' Irish'll die iv what Hogan calls ongwee, which is havin' no wan in the weary wurruld ye don't love. "But with th' Fr-rinch 'tis diff'rent. I say 'tis diffrent with th' Fr-rinch. They're an onaisy an' a thrubbled people.

And anyway, what I said to you I keep a-sayin', that I think He would approve of my goin' on calm and stiddy, a-doin' my best for the ones He put in my charge here below, my husband, my children, and my grandchildren." "Wall, you feel very diffrent from some wimmen that wuz to the school-house last night, and act very diffrent. They are good Christian females. It is a pity you wuzn't there.