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"Not until to-morrow, and he wants to start the rehearsals the first thing in the morning." "Ach! Den dat's differunt alretty yet again, wasn't it so?" and Mr. Switzer winked at the admiring newsboy, and tossed him a quarter, with the advice to get a pretzel and use it for a watch charm. Whereat the boy went into convulsive laughter again.

Hannoverae et Lipsiae, 1905. IX. Pauli Historia Langobardorum: edidit Georg Waitz. Hannoverae, impensis Bibliopolii Hahniani, 1878. Gall., vi, 19. Id., i, 50. Id., v, 14. Agricola, 16. Germania, 45: Suionibus Sitonum gentes continuantur. Cetera similes, uno differunt, quod femina dominatur; in tantum non modo a libertate, sed etiam a servitute degenerant.

She is a beutiful person and I love her but she is differunt from thy father and thy mother and thy Aunt Olivia. Ide rather have Aunt Olivia take me up than to have the Lord." It was when she shut the battered little book this time that Rebecca Mary remembered one or two things that had happened the morning Aunt Olivia went away. It was queer how she HADN'T remembered them before.

Jud glared at him, and Bonaparte grew so angry that he snapped viciously at the bark of the tree as if he would tear it down. "What do you mean, you little imp? what mill?" "Why his stomach," drawled Archie B., "it's a little differunt from a cotton-mill, but it grinds 'em to death all the same." Jud looked up again. He glared at Archie B.

Medio sita lying between, not midway between. E. In spem formidinem. More with the hope of invading Ireland, than through fear of invasion by the Irish. Valentissimam partem, viz. Gaul, Spain and Britain. Miscuerit. The subj. here denotes the aim or purpose of the projector: it would have done so in his view. Invicem==an adj. mutual. Nostri maris. The Mediterranean. Differunt: in melius.

The authorities differ greatly as to the reading, the pointing and the interpretation of this passage. Some copies omit in. Others insert nec before it. Some place the pause before in melius, others after. Some read differt, others differunt. Nec in melius would perhaps give the better sense. But the reading is purely conjectural.