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Altri dicono che fu meno: mori in quella zuffa Lorenzo Michele capitano d'una galera e Giovanni Delfino, d'altro capitano fratello. Era durata la zuffa dal fare del giorno fin' ad ore venti, e erano le genti Veneziane mal Initiate. Era gia la nave Delfina in potere de' nemici quando le altre ad una ad una si renderono.

The little attendant caught me by the sleeve, and gave a knowing smile at the letter which I was slipping into my pocketbook. "E d'una donna?" he asked. "What's that to you?" "I am sure of it; a letter from a man would never take so long to read; and, 'per Bacco', you were a time about it! 'Oh, le donne, illustre signore, le downe!" "That's enough, thank you."

His 'Can de Dio! was shouted out in a voice that made the theatre shake and the poor actor tremble. If, on the other hand, the public disapproved without reason, Barbaja would start up in his box and address the audience. 'Figli d'una racca! 'Will you hold your tongues?

Callimaco, one of the dramatis-personæ of this comedy, thus eulogizes the plant in question, "Voi avete a intendere che non è cosa più certa a ingravidare, d'una pozione fatta di Mandragola. Questa è una cosi sperimentata da me due para di volte, e se non era questa, la Reina di Francia sarebbe sterile, ed infinite altre principesse in quello Stato."

The little attendant caught me by the sleeve, and gave a knowing smile at the letter which I was slipping into my pocketbook. "E d'una donna?" he asked. "What's that to you?" "I am sure of it; a letter from a man would never take so long to read; and, 'per Bacco', you were a time about it! 'Oh, le donne, illustre signore, le downe!" "That's enough, thank you."

The little attendant caught me by the sleeve, and gave a knowing smile at the letter which I was slipping into my pocketbook. "E d'una donna?" he asked. "What's that to you?" "I am sure of it; a letter from a man would never take so long to read; and, 'per Bacco', you were a time about it! 'Oh, le donne, illustre signore, le downe!" "That's enough, thank you."

She propped her elbows on the window-rail and listened, grateful for this bath of sweetness to her spirit after the day's profound ennui. Estelle came softly into the dark room and joined her; they leaned side by side. Mi sono innamorato d'una stella, Sognai, Io t'amerò, one sweet and sentimental song succeeded the other.

But none other than Titian himself could have painted the superb head, which he himself has hardly surpassed. It is curious and instructive to find the artist, in a letter addressed to Philip on the 2nd of December 1567, announcing the despatch, together with the just now described altar-piece, The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, of "una pittura d'una Venere ignuda" the painting of a nude Venus.