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It represents in detail the town and fortifications of Quebec, the surrounding country, and the positions of the English fleet and land forces, and is entitled PLAN DE QUEBEC, et de ses Environs, EN LA NOUVELLE FRANCE, ASSIEGE PAR LES ANGLOIS, le 16 d'Octobre 1690 jusqu'au 22 dud. mois qu'ils s'en allerent, appres avoir este bien battus PAR Mr. LE COMTE DE FRONTENAC, gouverneur general du Pays.

This episode, of which I have briefly given the outline, was the principal event of Alfred de Musset's life, the one which marked and colored it most deeply, which brought his genius to perfection by a cruel and fiery torture, and left a lasting imprint upon his writings. Although he never produced anything finer than certain passages of "Rolla," which was published in 1833, yet previous to that or more accurately to 1835, when he began to write again he had composed no long poem of equal merit throughout, none in which the flight was sustained from first to last. The magnificent series of the "Nights" of May, December, August and October, the "Letter to Lamartine," "Stanzas on the Death of Malibran," "Hope in God," and a number of others of not less melody and vigor, but less exalted and serious in tone; several plays, among them Lorenzaccio, which missed only by a very little being a fine tragedy; the greater part of his prose tales and criticisms, including Le Fils de Titien, the most charming of his stories, and the Confession d'un Enfant du Siècle, which shows as much genius as any of his poems, belong to the period from 1835 to 1840, his apogee. Of the last work, notwithstanding its unmistakable personal revelations which, if they do not tell the author's story, at least reflect his state of mind Paul de Musset says, what everybody who has read his brother's writings carefully will feel to be true, that neither in the hero nor any other single personage must we look for Alfred's entire individuality. In the complexity of his character and emotions, and the contradictions which they united, are to be found the eidolon of every young man in his collection, even "the two heroes of Les Caprices de Marianne, Octave and Cœlio," says Paul, "although they are the antipodes of one another." Neither is it as easy as it would seem on the surface to trace the thread of any one incident of his life through his writings. Although containing some irreconcilable passages, the four "Nights" appeared to have been born of the same impulse and to exact the same dedication: it is undeniably a shock to have their inconsistencies explained by hearing that while the "Nuits de Mai," "d'Août" and "d'Octobre" refer to his passion for Madame Sand, the "Nuit de Décembre" and "Lettre

But if his excesses had destroyed his ingenuousness, she destroyed his faith in human nature, and on her will ever rest the brand he set in the burning words of the "Nuit d'Octobre."

I cried, and calling for my secretary, I said, "Give me Delaunay's letter that I gave you yesterday." He brought it out of one of his numerous pockets and gave it to Perrin to read. "Would you care to come and play La Nuit d'Octobre at Lady Dudley's on Thursday, June 5? We are offered 5000 francs for us two. Kind regards. "Let me have this letter," said the manager, visibly annoyed.

Il a joui pendant vingt-cinq ans de ce que j'ai moi-meme appele le bonheur parfait, l'amour dans le mariage. Il reste seul avec ses sept enfants. Revenez nous voir. Je n'ai pas le coeur a vous parler d'autre chose. Je n'ai pas encore recu 'l'Edinburgh Review' des mois d'octobre et janvier dernier. Je les fais demander. Je vis aussi en Angleterre.

Mitchell ait la première découvert la comète télescopique d'Octobre de l'an dernier, a bien voulu trouver ces preuves suffisantes, et a ordonné qu'on frappe une médaille, afin de la lui faire présenter comme une marque de distinction que sa Majesté croit qu'elle mérite en effet, quoiqu'elle n'ait pas rigoureusement observé les formalités prescrites par le Roi Frédéric VI., fondateur de ce don.

I had heard Bergotte spoken of, for the first time, by a friend older than myself, for whom I had a strong admiration, a precious youth of the name of Bloch. Hearing me confess my love of the Nuit d'Octobre, he had burst out in a bray of laughter, like a bugle-call, and told me, by way of warning: "You must conquer your vile taste for A. de Musset, Esquire.

J'irai a Knowsley dans la seconde quinzaine d'octobre; a Sandringham, dans les premiers jours de novembre; puis mes neveux viendront tirer mes faisans. J'espere bien prendre part aux agapes du Club le 27 novembre et 11 decembre, et serai bien heureux de vous revoir un peu. En attendant je vous serre la main, mon cher confrere. To Lord Derby Foxholes, October 2nd.

'Votre serviteur tres obligé tres humble et tres fidel, 'Boswell. 'A Londres, 'ce 31 d'Octobre, 1791' 'To the President and Council of The Royal Academy of Arts in London. 'Gentlemen,

Ibid., 8 Juin, 1756. Journal de ce qui s'est passé en Canada depuis le Mois d'Octobre, 1755, jusqu'au Mois de Juin, 1756. Shirley to Fox, 7 May, 1756. Conduct of Major-General Shirley briefly stated. Eastburn, Faithful Narrative. Entick, I. 471.