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Or, perhaps, some American millionaire is destined to become the owner of this morsel of exquisite beauty that once adorned the fair bosom of Leontine Zalti, the Countess d'Andillot." "It is really remarkable, Velmont, what a close resemblance you bear to Arsene Lupin!" "How do you know?"

Two days later, the newspapers published the following item: "Information has reached us of the arrest of Victor Danegre, the servant of the Countess d'Andillot. The evidence against him is clear and convincing. On the silken sleeve of his liveried waistcoat, which chief detective Dudouis found in his garret between the mattresses of his bed, several spots of blood were discovered.

The forty minutes that I passed in the apartment of the Countess d'Andillot, after learning of her death, were the most thrilling and absorbing moments of my life. In those forty minutes, involved as I was in a most dangerous plight, I calmly studied the scene of the murder and reached the conclusion that the crime must have been committed by one of the house servants.

On the following day, this article was published in the `Echo de France, and was copied by the leading newspapers throughout the world: "Yesterday, the famous black pearl came into the possession of Arsene Lupin, who recovered it from the murderer of the Countess d'Andillot. In a short time, fac-similes of that precious jewel will be exhibited in London, St.

Who did not know from having met her in the Bois the fair Leotine Zalti, the once-famous cantatrice, wife and widow of the Count d'Andillot; the Zalti, whose luxury dazzled all Paris some twenty years ago; the Zalti who acquired an European reputation for the magnificence of her diamonds and pearls?

"Well, I will inform you in a few words. I am sent by Mademoiselle de Sincleves, the heiress of the Countess d'Andillot." "What for?" "To recover the black pearl." "Black pearl?" "That you stole." "But I haven't got it." "You have it." "If I had, then I would be the assassin." "You are the assassin." Danegre showed a forced smile.