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"Sans fin nous prodiguons calculs, efforts, travaux; Cependant, au milieu des succes, des bravos En nous quelque chose soupire; Multipliant nos pas et nos soins de fourmis, Nous vondrions nous faire une foule d'amis.... Pourtant un seul pouvait suffire.

Yet even now I seem to hear the actor Armand, just before 1830, talking thick behind his Directoire cravat, in TOM JONES: Point d'amis, point de grace, A la session prochaine il faudra qu'on y passe! and the whole house rose at him! I remember also being taken to the first night of Henri III., and being very much amused by the cups and balls and the pea-shooters.

But if you are going back to Paris I relinquish the Bois and offer myself as your companion." "And am I to be left alone to achieve a conquest, in which, if I succeed, I shall change into hate and envy the affection of my two best friends? Be it so. " Un veritable amant ne connait point d'amis." "I do not comprehend your meaning," said the Marquis, with a compressed lip and a slight frown.

Je regrette de ne pouvoir l'accompagner en Angleterre, ou j'ai tant d'amis que je serais heureux de revoir. Mais ne puis-je au moins esperer que vous nous ferez cette annee, avec Madame et Mademoiselle Reeve, une visite au Chateau d'Eu? Nous resterons ici tout le mois de Juillet. J'ai ete assez heureux a la peche ici dans notre petite riveire.

The following passage is extracted from a letter written a few days after those already given: "J'ai dine chez Woolner hier. Quel brave garcon! Ses manieres avec moi sont tout-a-fait affectueuses, et je me sens avec lui sur le pied de la plus parfaite intimite. Il n'y a pas un homme a Londres qui possede un cercle d'amis comme le sien: tout ce qu'il y a de plus distingue en tout.

But if you are going back to Paris I relinquish the Bois and offer myself as your companion." "And am I to be left alone to achieve a conquest, in which, if I succeed, I shall change into hate and envy the affection of my two best friends? Be it so. " Un veritable amant ne connait point d'amis." "I do not comprehend your meaning," said the Marquis, with a compressed lip and a slight frown.

My ears, like his own, were already ringing with the roar of the guns from the gabions I could not resist a last appeal. "Come," I insisted "both of you no seriously listen to me. There is plenty of dry wood in the garret; you shall have the chambre d'amis, dear friend, and this brute of a composer shall bunk in my room we'll live, and shoot and be happy. Suzette will be overjoyed at your coming.