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I grant that he is a man of knowledge; that he has reading, and even some tincture of navigation; but there is so much difference between theory and practice, that a man who has only the former will always be at fault. Je demeure d'accord qu'il est savant, qu'il a de la lecture, et meme quelque teinture de la navigation.

Quant a la reputation, en comparaison du bonheur de vivre tranquillement avec toi, elle m'est absolument indifferente. Il me semble que lorsque le mari et la femme sont si parfaitement d'accord sur le but de la vie, il doit etre facile d'y parvenir.

If you shall have possible to take your sheep from nous autres Francais d'accord. Every man for himself et sa nation. Zere is the pavillion Francais and zere it shall fly, so long as we shall not help mais parole d'honneur, ze prize come cheep, and shall be sell very dear entendez vous? Bien.

You sent him away in a huff. He will come back smiling like yonder sunshine on the water. Oh, I am so happy! My doing, all my doing!" "It is useless to argue with you." "Quite useless. Il n'y a pas de quoi. Nous sommes d'accord. I shall be your chief bridesmaid. You must be married in her Majesty's chapel at St. James's.

"Celui qui nous donne la paix, Comme il fit bien la guerre! Sur lui deja force conplets.... Mai il en reste a faire: Au diable nous nous donnions, Il revient, nous respirons.... Il fait changer la danse; Par lui chez nous plus de discord; Il regle la cadence, Et nous voila d'accord."

"It is the blackest of affronts this," was her comment, that seemed at once singular and sweet to her hearer. "D'accord," said Count Victor, but that was to himself. He was quite agreed that the Chamberlain's attentions, though well meant, were not for a good woman to plume herself on. The flageolet spoke again that curious unfinished air.

My men with equal confidence, based upon long experience in the purchase of poultry, asserted that the real value of the hen was 200 cash, and that not a single cash more of the foreign gentleman's money could they conscientiously invest in such a travesty of a hen as that. But little by little each party gave way till they were able to tomber d'accord.

He received me avec un sourire le plus gracieux du monde, and I was obliged to present my address of compliments. But I think that the Nurse is a bad physiognomiste if she did not see that what I said, and what I thought, were not d'accord. He is like the Duke if he is like anything, but a more uninteresting countenance I never saw fair, white, fate, sans charactere.

Law in South Africa, p. 73. What Calvo says is: "Tous les publicistes sont d'accord pour admettre que le territoire d'une nation constitue une véritable propriété ... le territoire neutre doit être

Il exercait cependant une charge, un veritable office de judicature, dont les attributions ne sont pas d'accord avec nos moeurs et dont le titre meme se traduit difficilement dans notre langue. 'Officiellement Reeve etait sous les ordres du secretaire du Conseil prive, et ces rapports de subordination avaient cree des relations intimes entre son superieur et lui.