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T'an Ch'un, at her remark, laughed with such heartiness, that it was all she could do to check herself. "Cousin Pao," she observed, "don't you wring her mouth? Just ask her what disparaging things she said about you." "Why need I ask?" Pao-ch'ai smiled. "Is it likely, pray, that you can get ivory out of a cur's mouth?"

Will he rid us of his damned company, to go shite out his nasty rhyming balderdash in some bog-house? Will nobody be so kind as to cram some dog's-bur down the poor cur's gullet? or will he, monk-like, run his fist up to the elbow into his throat to his very maw, to scour and clear his flanks? Will he take a hair of the same dog?

Roylake out of the morning-room. She was followed by Lady Rachel. If I could only have heard their private conference, I should have seen the dangerous side of the Cur's character under a new aspect. "Gerard!" cried my stepmother, "what did I hear just now? You can't be going back to Germany!" "Certainly not," I answered. "Going to stay with some friends perhaps?" Lady Rachel suggested.

Keeping her hold of the dog's neck, for his collar was gone, she dragged him half-way towards the gate, then turning up to the marquis a face like a peony, replied 'I am the culprit, my lord. 'By St. George! you are a brave damsel, and there is no culpa that I know of, except on the part of that intruding cur. 'And the cur's mistress, my lord. But, indeed, he is no cur, but a true mastiff.

He opened the door with a resignation to circumstances, so exemplary that it claimed some return. I promised to be back in a quarter of an hour. Old Toller stifled a yawn. "I call that truly considerate," he said and stifled another yawn. Dear old man! Stepping into the road, I first examined the Cur's part of the cottage. Not a sound was audible inside; not a creature was visible outside.

For weeks he had hardly deigned me a glance. It had been a relief, to be sure, but what a sickening disclosure of the cur's trifling inconstancy. Even now, though he sniffed hungrily at the open door, he paid me not the least attention me whom he had once idolized! I slipped back to the ice-box and procured some slices of beef that were far too good for him.

Some returned to their houses, after picking up all the news that was going; others, before departing, were for spending an hour in one of the two gathering places of the village; the cur's house or the general store.

"Now tell me, fellow, what were you going to do with this?" inquired the man in a severe tone. "I sha'n't tell you," replied Vanslyperken. "Why that's the chap that I sees go in and out of the room where that old hell-fire witch lives, who curses all day long." "I thought as much," observed the man, who still held up the cur's tail.

Something, Leif's curtness, or the touch of Valbrand's hand upon his naked shoulder, roused Alwin's madness afresh. Shaking off the hand, fighting it off, he bearded the chief himself. "I will kill him if ever he utters his cur's yelp at me again. You are blind and simple to think to keep an earl-born man under the feet of a churl.

By Jupiter, Sir, there wasn't one drop of cur's blood in poor Nutter. No, poor fellow; neither sneak nor assassin there 'They thought he drowned himself from his own garden poor Nutter, said Major O'Neill. 'Well, that he did not, said Toole. 'That unlucky shoe, you know, tells a tale; but for all that, I'm clear of the opinion that drowned he is.