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Then it was that the owners and foremen of the four central ranches met in Cowan's saloon and sat closeted together for all of one hot afternoon. The conference resulted in riders being dispatched from all the ranches represented, and one of the couriers, Mr. Red Connors, rode north, his destination being far-away Montana.

Gibson is determined to hold by Cowan. I will not interfere, although I think Cowan's services might do us more good as Constable's Trustee than as our own, but I will not begin with thwarting the managers of my affairs, or even exerting strong influence; it is not fair. These last four or five days I have wrought little; to-day I set on the steam and ply my paddles. January 29.

How are the redskins to be beaten if they are not cowed in their own country?" For I had learned much at headquarters. They stood silent, astonished, no doubt, at the sight of my small figure a-tremble with anger. I heard Bill Cowan's voice behind me. "There's truth for ye," he said, "that will slink home when a thing's half done." "Ye needn't talk, Bill Cowan; it's well enough for ye.

Greene, and its execution assigned to Gen. Davidson. Lieutenant Col. Webster moved forward and crossed the Catawba in advance with a detachment of cavalry co create the impression that the whole British army would cross there, but the real intention of Cornwallis was to make the attempt at Cowan's Ford. Soon after the action commenced, Gen.

Cowan's absence from the field worked a difference from the first in Paul's playing, and the latter was now evidently putting his heart into his work.

He had not been heard from for several years, and the people of the neighborhood had often wondered what would be done with the quarter-section, which was one of the best in the district, in case he never came back. The Cowan's, who lives nearest, had planted one of the fields, and used the land for the last two seasons.

I'm going to see that he draws some hot stuff. I've a nice little mission all figured out for him." A glint in Cowan's eyes testified that he was again the self-sufficient commander, confident of his decisions and determined upon his course of action. Von Herzmann Strikes

He commenced his military career with his father in the expedition against the Scovillite Tories, in upper South Carolina, in the autumn of 1775. He was with General Nash when he fell at Germantown; with General Davidson, at Cowan's Ford; with General Greene, at Guilford Court House; and with the same officer at Eutaw Springs.

After Cornwallis left Charlotte, Captain Alexander raised a company of mounted men to guard the Tuckasege Ford. He occupied this position until it was known Cornwallis had crossed the Catawba River, at Cowan's Ford. After the death of General Davidson he placed himself under Colonel Lee, of the Continental line, Gen.

I'll speak to the Commanding General about it to-morrow. In the meantime, carry on, Rawlins." "Yes, sir." A smart salute, a stiff about face, and he was gone. They could hear him grumbling as he went down the stairs. McGee looked at the folded paper. On it, in Cowan's hand, was written; To Lieutenants McGee and Larkin. "What is it?" Larkin asked, impatiently. McGee unfolded the sheet.