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All who sat lower in the table on Miss Cynthia Courtown's side than that lady, were suddenly propelled downwards about the distance of two feet. Dr.

Christmas was to be passed by the Carabas family, the Beaconsfields, the Scropes, and the Clevelands at Lord Courtown's villa at Richmond; at which place, on account of its vicinity to the metropolis, the Viscount had determined to make out the holidays, notwithstanding the Thames entered his kitchen windows, and the Donna del Lago was acted in the theatre with real water, Cynthia Courtown performing Elena, paddling in a punt.

"Beautiful Cynthia," said Vivian Grey, softly and sweetly whispering in Miss Courtown's ear, "I am sure you will give up your place to me; you have nerve enough, you know, for anything, and would no more care for standing out than I for sitting in." There is nothing like giving a romp credit for a little boldness. To keep up her character she will out-herod Herod. "Oh!

A glass of claret fell from Lord Courtown's hand; Lord Beaconsfield stopped as he was about to fill his glass, and stood gaping at the Marquess with the decanter in his hand; and Sir Berdmore stared on the table, as men do when something unexpected and astounding has occurred at dinner which seems past all their management. "Cleveland!" exclaimed the guests.