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Perhaps the best noun that describes Flecker's verse is brightness. He had a consumptive's longing for sunshine, and his sojourns on the Mediterranean shores illuminate his pages. The following poem is decidedly characteristic: IN PHAEACIA

You've kept your despair dusted off and ready for use at an instant's notice ever since we came, and what good has it done? I'm going to keep on hoping to the bitter end. That's what papa did." It was what the Rev. Archibald Leighton had done with all the consumptive's buoyancy. The morning he died he told them that now he had turned the point and was really going to get well.

He was from well-sheltered New England, and he had not yet acquired the native Southron's indifference to weather discomforts; would never acquire them this side of a consumptive's grave, it was to be feared. "The attendance was pretty good for such a disagreeable morning, don't you think?" Ardea ventured, trying to make talk as they breasted the gusts together on the Deer Trace side of the pike.

To the honor and glory of our Heavenly Father, he has never been forsaken by Him. The Institution began twelve years ago, in small quarters. Now it embraces a very large gathering of useful enterprises: A Consumptive's Home, Children's Home, Grove Hall Church, Tract Repository, a Training College, and a Cancer Home.

"At a meeting in the Chapel of the Consumptive's Home, held March 7, 1876, public prayer was offered for a young man in Florida, who was apparently gone in consumption; an interested friend had previously written him that prayer would be offered for him at that time.

"All right," she said, and, taking the little hand of the boy into her own white hand, she returned to the consumptive's mother. "Whose boy is that?" Nekhludoff asked the inspector. "He is the son of a political prisoner, and was born in prison." "Is it possible?" "Yes, and now he is following his mother to Siberia." "And that girl?"

He bore with him a feeling akin to remorse, and in all sincerity, for he still heard ringing in his ears, the poor consumptive's voice saying: "What is it to me, who am suffering, whether Vaudrey or Pichereau be minister?" On reaching Place Beauvau, he found a despatch requesting his immediate presence at the Élysée. At the Palace he received information that surprised him like a thunderbolt.

The mystery of the miracles was explained to me. This power of God manifested in the past, is manifest to us still. Faith can grasp and use it. Close beside us stands a living Christ." A lady from Brooklyn, N.Y., came to the Consumptive's Home for prayer cure. "She had a diseased hip, and had used crutches for twenty years.

Over the whole assemblage hovers an impalpable floating dust, the flickering of the gas, which mingles its odor with all Parisian recreations, and its short, sharp wheezing like a consumptive's breath, accompanying the slow waving of fans.

The prison officials, not dreaming that a man with a two years' sentence would exchange with one having twenty years' sentence, the matter was arranged without difficulty. In less than a year's time the consumptive, regarded as Dave Harper, died and was buried as such. "The real Dave Harper served the consumptive's two years' sentence and was duly released from prison.