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It meant, according to Conny's expressive gesture, suburban life, or something "way up town," "no friends." Small wonder that Annie Silver's face was drawn, and that she was making nervous efforts to keep up to the last. Isabelle felt that it must be a tragedy, and as Conny said, "Such a clever man, too!" Mrs.

Isabelle could see Conny's masterly hand in it all.... When the service was over, Isabelle waited to speak with Conny, who had asked her to stay. She saw Cairy go out behind the Senator, who looked properly grave and concerned, his black frock-coat setting off the thick white hair on the back of his head.

By and by there was some mild betting with the ladies, and Lady Tyrrell said, 'There's a chance for you, Bee; don't I see the very fellow to Conny's charm? Whereupon that girl Conny pulled out the very stone I gave Lena three years ago at Rockpier. I asked; yes, I asked Lena had sold it; Lena, at the bazaar; Lena, who " "Stay, Frank, is this trusting Lena as she bade you trust her?

It consisted of light gibe and allusion to persons and things she had never heard of, a new actress whom the serious Percy was supposed to be in love with, Princhard's adventure with a political notability, a new very "American" play. Isabelle glanced apprehensively at her husband, who was at Conny's end of the table.

"It was only the force of the explosion that knocked you down, and the cloud of smoke you saw, which hid you from us when you ran indoors." "It was a black ting," repeated Teddy, unconvinced by the wise Miss Conny's reasoning. "I see him, a big black giant, same as de jinny in story of de fairies; but I ran 'way quick!" "All right, dear! never mind what it was now," said Mary soothingly.

She had made these comments to Margaret Pole, and Margaret had answered with one of her enigmatic smiles and the remark: "Conny's no more selfish than most of us women, only her methods are more direct and successful." "That is cynical," Isabelle retorted. "Most of us women are not selfish; I am not!" And in her childlike way she asked her husband that very night:

"You're a fine counsellor," cried Cissy laughing, as she watched Conny's hands nervously twisting within each other. "Why, you are as bad as I am, and can't keep still a moment! Only Liz is calm as if nothing had happened or was going to happen. I declare I could bang her, as Teddy used to say, for sitting there in the corner reading that heavy-looking book.

"Perhaps there is something that honest men value more than brains." "I should like to know what it is. If it is something that ladies have and Susanna hasnt, it is not either good looks or good sense. If it's respectability, that depends on what you consider respectable. If Conny's respectable and Susanna isnt, then I prefer disrepu "

"I can't go to-day, Tom, something has turned up." "Something has turned up?" he queried. He was an expert in Conny's moods, but he had seen little of this mood lately. "Business," Conny explained shortly. "Leave the cab, please. I may want it.... No," she added as Cairy came towards her with a question on his lips. "I can't bother to explain, but it's important. We must give up our day."

After she had settled this matter to her satisfaction, she turned to some house accounts and made various calculations. It was a wonder to every one who knew them how the Woodyards "could do so much on what they had." As a matter of fact, with the rising scale of living, it required all Conny's practical adroitness to make the household come out nearly even.