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In 1781 he published another volume of his poems with a poetical preface, in which he thus attacks his brother-in-law: 'To suits litigious, ignorant and raw, Compell'd by an unletter'd brother-in-law. Ib. 1781, p. 227. Boswell must have misheard what Johnson said. It was not Anson, but Amherst whom the bard praised. Ode, p. 7. Johnson wrote to Mrs.

Me, what dare you now? Phi. I dare declare that I can hear no more; Be witness, Heaven, how justly I'm compell'd. Alcip. Now, Sir, you are brave and love Erminia too. Phi. We are here not safe, these Women will betray us. Alcip. Sir, 'tis a work that will soon be dispatcht, And this a place and time most proper for't. Fal. peeps in and runs away. Enter Pisaro, runs between. Pis.

Whole droves of minds are by the driving God Compell'd to drink the deep Lethaean flood, In large forgetful draughts to steep the cares Of their past labours, and their irksome years; That unremembering of its former pain The soul may suffer mortal flesh again. Pythagoras, on the other hand, professes a distinct recollection of who he was and what he suffered in his former life.

The first that the general saw were the groups Of stragglers, and then the retreating troops; What was done? What to do? A glance told him both, Then striking his spurs with a terrible oath, He dash'd down the line, 'mid a storm of huzzas, And the wave of retreat, checked his course there, The sight of the master compell'd it to pause.

Well may it droop, and all its freshness lose, Compell'd to taste the rank and pois'nous steam Of midnight theatre and morning ball Gire to repose the solemn hour she claims; And from the forehead of the morning steal The sweet occasion. Oh! there is a charm Which morning has, that gives the brow of age, a smack of youth, and makes the lip of youth Shed perfume exquisite.

And was it thus you mourn'd my Funeral? Let. I will not justify my hated Crime: But Oh! remember I was poor and helpless, And much reduc'd, and much impos'd upon. Bel. And Want compell'd thee to this wretched Marriage did it? Let. 'Tis not a Marriage, since my Bellmour lives; The Consummation were Adultery. I was thy Wife before, wo't thou deny me? Bel.

"Compell'd from Eden now to go, Bound in his sins, with shame and woe, And there to feed on things below His former situation: For he was taken from the earth, And blest with a superior birth, But, dead in sin, he's driven forth From his blest habitation.

The democratic republic has paid her today the terrible and resplendent compliment of the united wish of all the nations of the world that her union should be broken, her future cut off, and that she should be compell'd to descend to the level of kingdoms and empires ordinarily great.

Compell'd to pause, by every eye surveyed, Rustem, with shame, his wearied strength betrayed; Foil'd by a youth in battle's mid career, His groaning spirit almost sunk with fear; Recovering strength, again they fiercely meet; Again they struggle with redoubled heat; With bended bows they furious now contend; And feather'd shafts in rattling showers descend; Thick as autumnal leaves they strew the plain, Harmless their points, and all their fury vain.

Once more adieu; "vale tandem, non immemor mei". Believe me to be, Reverend, and very dear Sir, Your most faithful humble Servant. Laurence Templeton. Toppingwold, near Egremont, Cumberland, Nov. 17, 1817. Thus communed these; while to their lowly dome, The full-fed swine return'd with evening home; Compell'd, reluctant, to the several sties, With din obstreperous, and ungrateful cries.