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Elite is spelt without the accent; and it is frequently pronounced ell-leet. Clôture is rarely to be discovered in American newspapers; closure is not uncommon; but the term commonly employed is the purely English 'previous question'. In the final quarter of the nineteenth century an American adaptation of a French comic opera, 'La Mascotte', was for two or three seasons very popular.

The cloture, by a bare majority, was to be established, in order to secure the power of closing debate by a vote of the House. The House of Lords decided upon the appointment of a Select Committee to inquire into the working of the Land Act, including the alleged total collapse of the clauses relating to purchase, emigration, and arrears.

The abbe's property is undoubtedly as much as three hundred thousand; her own savings must amount to more than two hundred thousand; she has her house and Prebaudet and fifteen thousand francs a year. A word to my friend the Comte de Fontaine, and I should be mayor of Alencon to-morrow, and deputy. Then, once seated on the Right benches, we shall reach the peerage, shouting, 'Cloture! 'Ordre!"

Both caucuses agreed upon a cloture rule empowering the Senate to bring the debate on any measure to an end by a two-thirds vote, limiting speeches to one hour each, but sixteen senators must first make the request in the form of a signed motion presented two days previously. After several hours' discussion this rule passed the Senate on March 8, 1917.

Unfortunately, however, her family was one of those in which the cloture is rigorously applied when any attempt is made to introduce ideas which are not already old and accustomed. It was as if her people were satisfied that by enforcing silence they could prevent thought.

You will observe that I do sum up the four prominent points: 1, cloture; 2, limitations of motions for adjournment; 3, public bill revision committee; 4, restrictions upon counts-out.

The yells of "Clôture, clôture!" dominated all else, and it was finally voted among frantic disorder, the French and Dutch standing uproarious against eighteen nationalities. For on important points they vote so. And in this there is great cunning, for the organisers hold pocket boroughs among the Swiss, and Bulgarians, and Servians and other European kidlings of the Balkans.

Rouen has also its mineral waters, which, even in the neighbouring towns, have a sort of reputation, I will point out three of the principal sources, after Lepecq de la Clôture: The first, to the east, is known under the name of la Marèquerie, to which we arrive by the rue Martainville; the second, to the south east, named de Saint-Paul; the third is situated at Déville, in the neighbourhood of Rouen.

"You may have said what you meant, but you did not mean what you knew," insisted Margery; "and if anybody says another word on the matter, I shall say grace and dismiss the table," continued old Margery, exercising the cloture, by virtue of her authority, in a way which Simpson and Maggie, who both wished for cheese, afterwards described as "mean."

The closure, which Lord Randolph Churchill used to pronounce with elaborate emphasis as clôture, the curtailment of the rights of private members, the growth in the power of the Cabinet, and pari passu the loss in power on the part of the House, all these are instances of the way in which the sand in the bearings has been able to thwart the Parliamentary machine.