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There is another custom in the performance of that opera, a curious one, too. For it is the wont of the composer-singer, when he has died as Antony, to come to life again and conduct the rest of his opera at the clavecin.

It is only beginning to be realised, even by musical people, that the clavecin music of, for instance, Bach, loses at least half its charm, almost its identity, when played on the modern grand piano; that the exquisite music of Rameau and Couperin, the brilliant and beautiful music of Scarlatti, is almost inaudible on everything but the harpsichord and the viols; and that there exists, far earlier than these writers, a mass of English and Italian music of extreme beauty, which has never been spoiled on the piano because it has never been played on it.

Back to Hamburg the two friends go, and the next year their friendship suffers a serious strain. The elder, now aged twenty-three, is producing "Cleopatra," an opera of his own composition, and incidentally playing the role of Antony. The younger of the friends is the conductor, and presides, as is the custom of the time, at the clavecin.

It was during the Canons period that Handel published his Suites de Pieces pour le Clavecin which had probably been composed for the daughters of the Princess of Wales, and one of these suites contains the air and variations known by that familiar title.

Here are the 21 canvases that are extant, and the prices paid: No. 1 A young woman weighing gold, 155 florins; 2 A milk girl, 175 florins; 3 The portrait of the painter in his studio, 45 florins; 4 A young woman playing the guitar, 70 florins; 5 A gentleman in his chamber, 95 florins; 6 A young lady playing the clavecin, with a gentleman who listens, 30 florins; 7 A young woman taking a letter from her servant, 70 florins; 8 A servant who has drunk too much asleep at a table, 62 florins; 9 A merry company, 73 florins; 10 A young lady and a gentleman making music, 81 florins; 11 A soldier with a laughing girl, 44 florins; 12 A young lacemaker, 28 florins; 13 View of Delft, 200 florins; 14 A house at Delft, 72 florins; 15 A view of some houses, 48 florins; 16 A young woman writing, 63 florins; 17 A young woman, 30 florins; 18 Young woman at a clavecin, 42 florins; 19 A portrait in antique costume, 36 florins; 20 and 21 Two pendants, 34 florins.

Every seven and a half minutes sounded a few jangling sweet notes, and thus the air over the old town of Malines and the small hamlets surrounding it both day and night was musical with the bells of the carillon. On fête days a certain famous bell ringer was engaged by the authorities to play the bells from the clavecin.

Wherefore, let the Countess, while cultivating her decided talent for the clavecin, understand her interests and yours. I have read over my letter, my dear Marquis, and I tremble lest you find it a trifle serious. You see what happens when one is in bad company.

Jeliotte had taught her singing and the clavecin; Guibaudet, dancing; Crébillon had taught her declamation and the art of diction; the friends of Crébillon had formed her young mind to finesse, to delicacies, to lightness of sentiment, and to irony of the esprit of the time. All the talents of grace seemed to be united in her.

He will send us from Paris arm-chairs of a new pattern he has devised, suitably covered, and a clavecin. Our old silver candlesticks look well on the chimney-piece.

I said to the Countess one day: "We resemble your clavecin; however well disposed it may be to respond to the hand which should play upon it, until it feels the impression of that hand, it remains silent; touch its keys, and sounds are heard." Finish the parallel, and draw your conclusions. But after all, why should you complain, Monsieur, the metaphysician?