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Listen to this: The mine is going to be called 'Choko's Find' do you like it?" called Polly to the other riders. "Very appropriate," was the answer, so "Choko's Find" was its name. Reaching Oak Creek, the party rode to Mr. Simm's office and Mr. Brewster told the story in detail.

Anne laughed heartily at such nonsense but Polly rather favored such an ending, so her mother and father quickly interrupted the romance by saying: "Come, come, sign papers and wind up this affair!" Mr. Simms said the assay was more than satisfactory, and "Choko's Find" was filed as the discovery of "Marybelle Brewster, daughter of Sam and Mary Brewster of Pebbly Pit."

Polly listened to her mother's wise remarks with serious expression, but Eleanor sat and nodded her head approvingly whenever Mrs. Brewster made a point that pleased the girl. When Mrs. Brewster paused for a moment, Eleanor spoke eagerly. "My! Won't I just make the gold from Choko's Find mine fly when I select the wardrobe for our Polly!" "You can't spend something you never had," laughed Mrs.

I'm so glad to know that he, and you people, will all come in on Choko's Find or to be exact, it is Montresor's Mine," said Polly. "That's going to be a fine tangle in law, Polly," remarked Mr. Latimer. "You see, Montresor made you his sole heiress, so the mine is yours, not only by inheritance, but also by rediscovery after it was lost in the first land-slide.

Each man present at that meeting, signing up liberally to supply the money to launch the two big enterprises. The evening before John and Tom were to go back to their engineering work with their old Crew, Polly and Eleanor were out on the terrace with Tom, talking eagerly of the plans made for mining the ore from Choko's Find.

John remained silent, and Polly began to cry pathetically, as her chief delight in having found Choko's Find, was the fact that she would have enough money of her own to not only go to High School, but also to go through one of the large women's colleges. Even if her father refused to finance such an educational ideal, she would have had her own income to draw upon.

Naturally, Kenneth and Polly followed, but Eleanor turned around every other moment to include them in her vivacious conversation about the land-slide and the fears that Choko's Find was lost. "Oh, but say! What a ripping chance we missed, Ken, by not being one of the party on the Slide, eh?" cried Jim, enviously. "I'd like to be one of the party up there now.

"You've thought of one!" declared Eleanor. "Yes, just the thing! Won't 'Choko's Find' suit it?" "Great! And it was little Choko that found it, too. If he hadn't fallen over the cliff we never would have discovered the cave and the rest of it." "We'll call it that 'Choko's Find! Say, everybody!

"Give us a chance to finish our reports, won't you, before you tell us you gave away your interests, or launched us all in a will-contest," added John, laughingly. Then he continued: "Now this is what we have to say about Choko's Find: The pyramids of trash now covering that area of Top Notch can be readily cleared away. We set fire to certain parts and opened a way to the ravine.

Then in as few words as possible, the boys were told all about the land-slide on Grizzly that had, most likely, buried Choko's Find under tons and tons of débris maybe, hid it completely again for all time. They sat in Simms' office talking over the plans for the morrow when a large party was to go up Top Notch.