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Somebody wot wasn't likely to live long, that's the sort o' man or woman 'e wanted me to insure. 'A child'll do, says 'e, smiling, an' tells me 'ow a large family may be made a source of blessing to parents 'oo are wise enough to insure in the Popular Thrifty. Then it comes into my mind all of a sudden as 'ow Billy 'ud do a treat, an' I names 'im to Old Abey.

This is all being done, she says, 'so that the child'll never know his father's shame he'll never know who his father was. And true enough, the boy was taken away, but Maitland came before she'd gone, and she told him the child was dead, and I never see a man so cut up. However, it wasn't no concern of mine.

"I know enough not to give them pork and cabbage. I can put the little thing to sleep in Just's crib. It's up in the attic. You can get it down. Jeff, we must!" But Jeff still held her firmly by the arm. "Girl, you're crazy! If you once take her, you've got her on your hands. Annie has no relations. You told me that yourself. The child'll have to go to an asylum.

I tell you, Mother, I'm going to do this up in style." Mrs. Buck groaned out something about waste and sadly began paring potatoes, although it was then quite early in the forenoon and the trolleymen's supper was not to be served until six-thirty. "That child'll wear herself out," she said, not to herself but to an old blue hen who was scratching around the hollyhocks, clucking loudly.

Miss Jane supported the girl in her strong arms with a grim display of affection, but her attitude towards Bradley Gaither was uncompromising. "Don't alarm yourself, Mr. Gaither," she said; "this poor child'll come too, quick enough. Folks don't fling off the'r misery this easy!" Rose revived after a while, but she seemed to have no desire to talk to her father.

"Yes, he is. He jus' ast her in through the window." "Sh, sh, sh. Will you hush yo' fuss!" "Ah'm well, thank ye, Mr. Baron. How are you?" "Look at Drusilla Pinner cross her feet, an' her a church-member, too!" "Ah been lookin'. She's awful careless about her dancin'." "This child'll have to go to bed in the other room. He's yellin' jus' tur'ble." "Ah 'low M'lissy 'll make some money out o' this.

I've heerd that a child'll do good sometimes when grown folk can't. I doubt your father isn't goin' to do the good I looked for from en. He don't believe in sudden conversion. Here, Bill, take the mare and lead her home." He dismounted, and seated himself with a groan on the edge of the sand-pit. "Look here; I've got convictions of sin, but I can't get no forrader. What's to be done?"

If you didn't strike him, they'll say you run him into the culvert, 'n' every man, woman, 'n' child'll be down on you, and me f'r bein' related to you. They all know how you feel towards him for cuttin' you out with Maud Welsh." "Oh, don't bear down on him too hard, Joe. He didn't mean t' do any harm," said Troutt, who had followed Ed down to the store.

The child'll drown' isself, nex' news!" She rose up and ran to prevent the disaster. "'Pears to me there's a deal o' motherin' to be done aboard this boat. Trouble aft, an' trouble forrard " She was hurrying aft when Mr. Mortimer intercepted her amidships. He held a book in one hand, and two slips of paper in the other. "Child," he asked, "could you learn a part? a very small part?"

Be sure and get the kind that lasts longest." His sister lifted a flushed face from the wash-tub and looked at him. "A nickel'd ha' ben enough," she said. "It's just like you, no idea of the value of money. The child'll eat himself sick." "That's all right, sis," he answered jovially. "My money'll take care of itself. If you weren't so busy, I'd kiss you good morning."