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Yet, in my opinion, the entire firm does not deserve punishment only the father, who concealed from his upright son his own accounts and those of Samuel Pfefferkorn, and it is hard for me to say this in Herr Casper's presence; also, when the peril became urgent, illegally deprived his business partner of the possibility of obtaining a correct view of the real situation of affairs.

The scenes which Els had experienced at the Eysvogels' had certainly been far worse than she had feared nay, the old countess's attack upon her was so insulting, Frau Rosalinde's helpless grief and Herr Casper's condition were so pitiable, that she had thought seriously of bringing the poor girl back with her, and removing her from these people who, she was sure, would make Els's life a torment as soon as she herself had gone.

Her mother's gentle face, still in death, rose before her memory, and she was forced to exert the utmost self-control not to weep aloud. Without further reflection she imposed silence upon herself and yesterday she would not have ventured to do it threw her arm around Herr Casper's shoulders, gazed affectionately at him, and whispered: "You must not despair, father.

A few days later Herr Casper's brother died, and soon after his estimable old mother. Besides, he would prefer not to have the marriage take place until after Wolff's election to the Council, which, in all probability, would occur after Walpurgis of the coming year. Ernst Ortlieb had sullenly submitted to all this.

The lamps were already lighted in the hall, and the rays from the central one fell upon Herr Casper's colourless face, which wore an expression of despair. But just as her lips parted to ask the question the odour of musk reached her from the death-chamber, whose door Eva had opened.

"I'd rather meet him here in broad daylight among houses and people than in the dusk on the highway," remarked one of them. "There's no danger," replied the other. "He wears the curb now. He moved from the robber nest into the rich Eysvogel house opposite. That's Herr Casper's son-in-law. But such people can never let other folks' property alone. Only here they work in another way.

How high Els's heart throbbed, how she longed to rush down into the Council chamber and clasp the hand of the noble old man at the green table, when he said that in consequence of Ernst Ortlieb's condition which he also made the charge of the newly established Eysvogel business must be transferred from Herr Casper's hands to those of his son, Herr Wolff, as soon as the imperial pardon permitted him to leave his hiding-place.

What a repulsive spectacle the old woman, utterly bereft of dignity, presented as with solemn mockery she courtesied to Els again and again, as if announcing herself her most humble servant; but the poor child kept silence until Frau Christine herself spoke, and assigned her niece to the place beside Herr Casper's sick-bed, which no one else could fill so well.

In Casper's eyes Casper with whom he had always been on cordial joking terms he saw cruel implacability, and, furious, he knew himself to be "in" for that most wearing of all newspaper jobs "doing police" for a paper that was "in bad" with the administration. He needed no one to tell him the cause.

How high Els's heart throbbed, how she longed to rush down into the Council chamber and clasp the hand of the noble old man at the green table, when he said that in consequence of Ernst Ortlieb's condition which he also made the charge of the newly established Eysvogel business must be transferred from Herr Casper's hands to those of his son, Herr Wolff, as soon as the imperial pardon permitted him to leave his hiding- place.