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It was the same spirit which inspired the whole city, the night the Exposition ended, to stay for the closing ceremonies until midnight, and then, without even picking a flower from the abundance they were abandoning, silently and sorrowfully to walk home. Let's look into the claims of these Californiacs. I can unfortunately say little about the State of California.

"I never could get accustomed to carrying an ice umbrella I couldn't close it when I got home. I'd come to stay for a month but I left in a week." And so it goes. No feeling on anybody's part of your sense of outrage. In fact, Californiacs always use the word eastern in your presence as a synonym for cold, conventional, dull, stupid, humorless.

Last of all, its size and personally I think there should be a federal law forbidding cities to grow any bigger than San Francisco makes it an engaging combination of provincialism and cosmopolitanism. Not scenery this time, Reader, nor climate, but weather. Like scenery and climate, it must be done. Hurdle this paragraph, Easterners! Keep on reading, Californiacs!

This looks like respite, but there's no real relief in sight Easterners. Keep right on reading, Californiacs! Yes, California is beautiful. Once upon a time, a Native Son lay dying. He did not know that he was going to die. His physician had to break the news to him. He told the Californian that the process would not be long or painful.

California, which produces the maximum of scenery and the minimum of weather; California, which grows the biggest men, trees, vegetables and fleas in the world, and the most beautiful women, babies, flowers and fruits; California, which, on the side, delivers a yearly crop of athletes, boxers, tennis players, swimmers, runners and a yearly crop of geniuses, painters, sculptors, architects, authors, musicians, actors, producers and photographers; California, where every business man writes novels, or plays, or poetry, or all three; California, which has spawned the Coppa, Carmel and San Quentin schools of literature; California, where all the ex-pugs become statesmen and all the ex-cons become literateurs; California, the home of the movie, the Spanish mission, the golden poppy, the militant labor leader, the turkey-trot, the grizzly-bear, the bunny-hug, progressive politics and most American slang; California, which can at a moment's notice produce an earthquake, a volcano, a geyser; California, where the spring comes in the fall and the fall comes in the summer and the summer comes in the winter and the winter never comes at all; California, where everybody is born beautiful and nobody grows old that California is populated mainly with Californiacs.

As I think it over, I am very glad that I did not tell the Californiacs how beautiful Massachusetts is. Because it would only have bewildered them. I am glad that I did not mention to them that I shall always cherish a kind of feeling for Massachusetts that I can develop for no other spot. Because it would only have hurt them.

San Francisco, which invents much American slang, must have provided that phrase "this man's town." For that is what San Francisco is a mans town. I dare not appeal to Easterners; but Californiacs, I ask you how could I forbear to say something about "the city"?

I've never been in Iowa, but nothing could convince me that it isn't just as good a place as any other place, including California. The trouble with you is that you've let these Californiacs buffalo you. What you want to do is to throw out your chest and insist that God made Iowa first and the rest of the world out of the leavings."

He has been so busy looking at the California woman that he hasn't realized yet that there's a male of the species. The California man, I sing. It is curious what a difference of opinion there is in regard to him. I have heard Californiacs say in their one moment of humility, "Why is it, when we turn out such magnificent women, that our men are so undersized?"

This sense of amplitude gives the Native Son an air of superiority... Yes, you're quite right, it has a touch of superciliousness very difficult to understand and much more difficult to endure when you haven't seen California; but completely understandable and endurable when you have. Californiacs read every word, Easterners skip this paragraph