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"Now, I s'pose you understand how it all is? They've been keeping along with us all day, a little ahead, and all the time closing in a little. They've got things down to a dot, and mean bus'ness, you can bet." "But are we anywhere near Hurricane Hill?" "Yonder it is." Several miles in advance, a dark, mound-like obstruction appeared against the sky.

I'm allus pretty much fussed up by my bus'ness and kept cross-grained all the time by havin' to handle so many blasted fool woodsmen, and the man that meets me for the first time might natch-rally think I was uglier'n a Injun devil in fly-time which I ain't, Parker, No, I ain't I want you and me should be good friends and bus'ness men together, which we ain't been so far, all on account of a misunderstandin'. Now, you're goin' to find me square and honest and open."

Mother is a pris'ner theere, too. An ey should ha kept em company, if Tib hadna brought me off. Now, listen to me, Alizon, fo' this is my bus'ness wi' yo. Yo mun get mother an Jem out to-neet eigh, to-neet. Yo con do it, if yo win. An onless yo do boh ey winna threaten till ey get yer answer." "How am I to set them free?" asked Alizon, greatly alarmed.

Oh, he's de gemman whut come an' offered to 'ten' to Sis' Jane Callender's bus'ness fu' huh. He's a moughty clevah man." "And he told her she ought to make a will?" "Yas, suh.

"Wal, now, to git down to bus'ness, as you say; s'pose Doctor Greenwood sends word that he won't or can't raise the money you ask what then?" Tozer shrugged his shoulders suggestively. "Don't forget that I am guessing all the way through. I should say, however, that Doctor Greenwood would never see his boy again." "I'm afraid he never will, as the matter now stands." "That depends on the parent.

"I do' reckon, Mistah Scatters, dat we bettah not let de othah folks in de sto' know anything 'bout dis hyeah bus'ness of ouahs. I got to be 'sponsible fu dat money, an' I doesn't want to tek no chances." "You are perfectly right, sir, perfectly right. You are responsible, not only for the money itself, but for the integrity of this seal which means the dignity of government."

"Wal, near's I can find out," said Odbar Broadway from behind his counter, where he was counting eggs out of Old Man Jordan's bucket, "the Cap'n had a club in one hand and power of attorney from Kun'l Gid's sister in the other and a threat to divide the Ward estate. The way Gid's bus'ness is tied up jest at present would put a knot into the tail of 'most any kind of a temper."

"But you see we can't be sartin just yit; if Vose is in that kind of bus'ness, he'll give himself away purty soon." "I agree with you and we'll watch him." Thus was the momentous bargain made. When the four came together once more, the parson remarked: "It's my belief that after we were well out of the way, the two went down the gorge to the main trail and are now making haste to Sacramento."

His wife looked at him approvingly, but the glance turned to one of consternation when he stammered forth that he had to go out, as he had some business to attend to. "What, on de ve'y fust day you hyeah, ain't you goin' to chu'ch wid me?" "De bus'ness is mighty pressin', but I hopes to see you at chu'ch by de time de services begin. Waih does you set?" His hand was on the door.

"Worms ha! an excellent name for a sexton," cried Potts. "You provide food for your family, eh, Zachariah?" "Tut tut," rejoined the sexton, testily, "go an' moind yer own bus'ness, mon, an' leave me to moind mine." "Very well, Zachariah," replied Potts.