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Und comes mans, und mans, und mans a great big all of mans und they says: 'What's the matter with Ikey Borrachsohn's papa? he ain't got no sickness, Miss Bailey, on'y it's polite you say like that on p'rades. Und more mans they says: 'Nothings is mit him. He's all right! That is what is p'rades. Ikey's papa's got them, und so you dassent to wash out his mouth."

While he laboured quite unsuccessfully, since all his grandsire's instructions had been in Hebrew Miss Bailey passed from desk to desk on a tour of inspection and exhortation, slightly annoyed and surprised to find that the excitement consequent upon Isaac Borrachsohn's introduction had not yet subsided.

And upon its softly quivering surface floated the rubber-neck-boat-birds, white and sweetly silent instead of red and screaming and the superlative length and arched beauty of their necks surpassed the wildest of Ikey Borrachsohn's descriptions.

Comes mans und comes cops und comes George Wash'ton und comes Ikey Borrachsohn's papa, mit proud looks he makes polite bows mit his head on all the peoples, und comes Teddy Rosenfelt. Und comes cows und more cops und ladies und el'fints, und comes Captain Dreyfus und Terry McGovern.

Borrachsohn's district; she had a nasty energy of phrase; and the King of Hester Street has never translated the ensuing remarks to the wife of his bosom nor to the gentle-eyed old Rabbi who watched, greatly puzzled by his ideal of a Christian persecutor and this very different reality.

Bravely they commenced to draw. Teacher passed from desk to desk encouraging the timid, restraining the rash. Patrick dug his brush deep down into his ink, lifted it all wet and dripping, cast a furtive glance at Teacher's averted head, and set stealthily to work at the bent and defenceless back of Isaac Borrachsohn's spotless suit. From shoulder to shoulder he drew a thick black mark.

And the dazed Miss Bailey saw the anger and antagonism die out of the faces before her and the roses above them, heard Mr. Borrachsohn's gentle, "We would be much obliged if you will so much accommodate us," saw the Rabbi lift grateful eyes to the ceiling and clasp his hands, saw Mrs.

Borrachsohn's greeting. Then suddenly she realized that this man, this trafficker in the blood and the honour of his people, had dared to swear at her, Constance Bailey. When her eyes met those of the Assemblyman he started slightly, and placed Isaac between him and this alarming young person who seemed not at all to realize that he could "break her" with a word.

Gaily they set out through new and always beautiful ways; through tunnels where feet and voices rang with ghostly boomings most pleasant to the ear; over bridges whence they saw in partial proof of Isaac Borrachsohn's veracity "mans und ladies ridin'." Of a surety they rode nothing more exciting than horses, but that was, to East Side eyes, an unaccustomed sight, and Eva opined that it was owing, probably, to the shortness of their watch that they saw no lions and tigers similarly amiable.

Borrachsohn's left eye would have been to be blind indeed. "Und extra, you says you should wash out his mouth," Morris remonstrated. "I guess, maybe, you fools." "You'll see," said Miss Bailey blithely. "And now trot along, my dear. Good afternoon." Teacher hurried into her jacket and was buttoning her gloves when the Monitor of the Gold-Fish Bowl looked timidly in. "What now?" asked Teacher.