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I wuz ruther young myself when she wuz bo'n." "An', mo'over," Wain went on, "it takes me a minute er so ter git my min' use' ter thinkin' er Mis' Rena as a cullud young lady. I mought 'a' seed her a hund'ed times, an' I'd 'a' never dreamt but w'at she wuz a w'ite young lady, f'm one er de bes' families." "Yas, Mr.

Beauregard, he grinned and rubbed his nose some more, and looked at me like he thought that mewing noise was the smartest sound that ever was made. "Boy," he says, grinning, "bo'n five hours ago. I've done named him Burley after the tobaccer association, yo' know. Yes, SIR, Burley Peoples is his name and he shore kin squall, the derned little cuss!" "Yes," I says, "you better stay with Burley.

Lately he was gaining some reputation as a political boss. "Hit do beat all," Barnaby repeated, shaking his heavy head reflectively, and making a grimace both comical and hideous. "Dat young man desput sma't and cunnin', sho's yo' bo'n he is. He done been foolin' wid dem niggahs a'ready."

I was bo'n there in a log cabin, it was made of logs, and it was chinked with clay and rock. My Mammy, was raised from a baby by her master, Rueben Dale. He was a good ole Master, and was alway's good to my Mammy. Master Dale owned a big farm and had big fields of co'n an' tobacco, and we raised everything we had to eat. Ole master Dale was a good ole baptist, had lots of good ole time relig'n.

Thar's er gang of crackers waitin' ter kill you as sho es yo' er bo'n; but Bob Jones is goin' ter cheat um dis time. Go on thar!" "God moves in a mysterious way," murmured the minister, slowly. "You'll bet he does.

Rastus's white eyeballs, standing out in terror, rolled ominously up and then down in answer, leaving a doubt to be inferred. "How old is yo', son?" asked the old man fiercely, bracing hard as the craft yawed heavily. "I ain't gwine to git any older, dat's sho'," replied the boy. "W'y, yo' poor coon," retorted Sandy. "ef yu'se ole as Jehos'phat, I'se wu'ked disher reef fo' yu'se bo'n."

"Dar's a roas' pig fur ter-morrow, sho's you bo'n," returned Aunt Rhody. "En I'se gwine to stuff 'im full." Then she hurried away to her fire, and Dan threw himself down upon the rug at the Major's feet. "Yes, we may trust Betty for the sunshine," repeated the Major, as if striving to recall his wandering thoughts.

"Oh, de sassafras tassel, an' de young shoot o' de co'n, An' de young gal er-singing in de loom, Dey's somefin' 'licious in 'em f'om de day 'at dey is bo'n, An' dis darky's sort o' took er likin' to 'm.

"Well, I'se bo'n Monro' County, West Virginia, on January 15, 1852, jes' few miles from Union, West Virginia." "My mammy wuz Dinnah Alexander Campbell an' my pappy wuz Levi Campbell an' dey bof cum frum Monro' County. Dat's 'bout only place I heerd dem speak 'bout."

Dey shore ain't got no claim on yo' an' yo' ain't got no call to jump every time sech as them crooks they fingers." Dr. Harry shook his head solemnly. "Now Mam Liz, I'm afraid you're an aristocrat." "Cos I's a 'ristocrat. Ain't I a Abbott? Ain't I bo'n in de fambly in yo' grandaddy's time ain't I nuss yo' Pa an' yo? 'Ristocrat! Huh! Deed I is.