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Wyndham in his article upon Irish Land Purchase shows clearly the blessings which have followed wherever his Act has been given fair play, and the evils which have resulted in the suppression of Land Purchase by Mr. Birrell's Act of 1909. The dual ownership created by Mr.

When the House of Lords rejected or mutilated beyond repair the Land Valuation Bills for England and for Scotland, every land reformer in the country might have winced. When the House of Lords destroyed Mr. Birrell's Education Bill of 1906, every man who cared for religious equality and educational peace might have winced.

Unfortunately, in addition to having no legislative functions, Mr Birrell's Bill contained one other proposal which damned it from the outset with a very powerful body of Irish thought and influence it proposed to transfer the control of education to a Committee preponderatingly composed of laymen.

Birrell's declaration that the final form of the statute was a triumph for Lord Clanricarde, and affords a curious commentary on the repeated declarations of the Unionist leaders, that nothing was further from their desire than to effect the wrecking of the Bill.

This is one of the very few instances on which the terrible and vicious punishment of `breaking on a wheel' was employed in Scotland. Jean Livingstone's accomplice was, according to Birrell's Diary, broken on a cartwheel, with the coulter of a plough in the hand of the hangman. The exotic method of execution suggests experiment by King Jamie.

Hazlitt's Lectures on the English Poets. Dowden's Studies in Literature, and Dowden's Transcripts and Studies. Minto's Characteristics of English Poets. Matthew Arnold's Essays in Criticism. Leslie Stephen's Hours in a Library. Birrell's Obiter Dicta. Hales's Folia Litteraria. Pater's Appreciations. Pocket Classics, Golden Treasury Series, etc. Biography Dictionary of National Biography, 63 vols.

Ruskin's Praeterita, Scenes and Thoughts of My Past Life. Benson's Ruskin: A Study in Personality. Earland's Ruskin and his Circle. Harrison's John Ruskin. Birrell's Life of Charlotte Brontë. Kitton's Dickens, his Life, Writings, and Personality. Gissing's Charles Dickens: A Critical Study. Chesterton's Charles Dickens. Hughes's Dickens as an Educator. Philip's A Dickens Dictionary.

Augustine Birrell's Obiter Dicta . This essay would have pleased Thackeray. One of the finest epitaphs in literature is that pronounced over the supposedly dead body of Falstaff by Prince Hal "I could have better spared a better man." Northcote was an artist and writer, who had been an assistant in the studio of Sir Joshua Reynolds.

It is too early even to forecast the effect which is likely to be produced upon Irish education generally by the new university colleges set up under Mr. Birrell's Act. Yet this may be said. Irish education needs reform from the top downwards, not from the bottom upwards.

Birrell's resignation meant in reality that Mr. Asquith's Ministry had abdicated so far as Ireland was concerned. Quite properly, they had called in a competent soldier to deal with the military exigency. Quite shamefully, they left him in sole authority to handle what was essentially the task of statesmanship.