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She had three Sisters still remaining, who all longed impatiently to show themselves to their Sovereign, though they were none of Nature's Master-pieces. Coquetry and something worse had always been hereditary in this Family, who yet seem to have bewitch'd Zeokinizul.

D'ee heare, Captaine, for all this I have a great mind to a wench, and a wench I must have if there be one above ground. Oh London, London, thou art full of frank tenements, give me London. Shall we wheele about yet? Cap. Give you London? Wo'nott Cheapeside serve your turne, or the Exchange? Enter Thomas. Tho. Oh, gentlemen, Mr. Engine is surely bewitch'd. Cap.

A little castle-soape Will do 't, to rub your lips: And then a nutshell, With toe and touchwood in it to spit fire, Did you ner'e read, Sir, little Darrel's tricks, With the boy o' Burton, and the 7 in Lancashire, Sommers at Nottingham? All these do teach it. And wee'l give out, Sir, that your wife ha's bewitch'd you.

I told you he was bewitch'd. Heyday! cards and dice, out with 'em, the Divells a gamester and paies the box soundly Now, now, now. Un. Whats that? Tho. Tis something clammy, now, oh, tis sope! Cap. Sope? give a man leave to wash his mouth. Un. Does not the lyme burne his throat, Thomas? Tho.