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They'll only give you three rounds in any competition you go in for, so you want to do the work you can while you're at it." As the days went by, Sheen began to imbibe some of Joe Bevan's rugged philosophy of life. He began to understand that the world is a place where every man has to look after himself, and that it is the stronger hand that wins.

I've no doubt she can get on very well without him." "She may want something rather more exciting than you and me, sometimes." "I'm quite happy," Barbara said. "Of course you're happy. It isn't everybody who enjoys Ralph Bevan's society. I daresay you're like me; you find him a great hindrance to serious conversation." "That's why I enjoy him," Fanny said. "We'll ask him for to-morrow night."

Tom hurried to Bevan's tent to have the unexpected and surprising news confirmed, and Paul told him a good deal, but was very careful to make no allusion to Betty's "fortin." "Now, Mister Brixton," said Paul, somewhat sternly, when he had finished, "there must be no more shilly-shallyin' wi' Betty's feelin's. You're fond o' her, an' she's fond o' you.

The line he chooses is mine also, but his is a more important book than mine. Batoum. 22 December. We have had a really delightful time since I last wrote up the old diary! Mrs. Wynne's and Mr. Bevan's cars are definitely accepted for the Tehran district. My own plans are not yet settled, but I hope they may be soon.

It was the band of marauders who had made the abortive attack on Bevan's fortress. When the attack was made, one of the redskins who guided the miners chanced to hear the war-whoop of a personal friend in the ranks of the attacking party.

The youth was so utterly disgusted with this cool, indifferent way of regarding the matter, that he almost regretted having spoken. He had been condemning himself so severely during the latter part of his journey, and the meanness of his conduct as well as its wickedness had been growing so dark in colour, that Bevan's unexpected levity took him aback, and for a few seconds he could not speak.

Frank Hunt was one of the cleverest boxers at his weight in England, but he had not Joe Bevan's gift of hitting gently. He probably imagined that he was merely tapping, and certainly his blows were not to be compared with those he delivered in the exercise of his professional duties; but, nevertheless, Sheen had never felt anything so painful before, not even in his passage of arms with Albert.

A look of anxiety flitted across Bevan's face. "It's in the magazine. I got a fresh keg last week, an' thought it safest to put it there till required an' haven't I gone an' forgot to fetch it in!" "Well, that don't need to trouble you," returned the boy, "just show me the magazine, an' I'll go an' fetch it in!" "The magazine's over the bridge," said Bevan. "I dug it there for safety.

Bevan's illness has made me nervous, for I am always dreading that Marcus will break down too." "Women need lot of faith, don't they, Livy? Doctors' wives as well as soldiers' wives, but I am not sure that you need fear for Marcus. He is really strong, and at his age a little hard work will not hurt him. He has his laurels to gather, you must remember that.

The base of the two-peaked rock that looked so silvery in the moon is now seen to be covered with manuscript advertisements posted on it; we can only read two or three as we run to our work: "Immense reduction in eggs only one shilling each!!! Bevan's store." "Go-ahead library and registration office for new chums. Tom Long in the dead-horse gully."