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Plate I. reproduces part of a letter, addressed by Shah Jahan to an ancestor of the present Maharajah of Gidhour. In this letter the Raja Dalan Singh is informed that "the auspicious impress of the royal hand" is sent as a mark of royal favour, and he is commanded to proceed to Court to participate in the festivities and to pay homage to the Emperor. Bernier's "Travels" Constable's translation.

Whatever may have been Bernier's motives, he certainly acted with some duplicity. Frotté in Normandy was the last to capitulate and the first to feel Bonaparte's vengeance: on a trumped-up charge of treachery he was hurried before a court-martial and shot.

This position, his body bent forward, his eyes fixed on Madame Bernier's face, he kept for some seconds. Suddenly, with a quick, convulsive movement, the man completed the stroke. 'Pas si hête! propose one yourself. 'Very well, said Hortense, 'if you wish it, Voyons: I'll give you what I can. I have fifteen thousand francs' worth of jewels.

"Shall I see you again, general?" he asked, rising. "I doubt it, sir. My operations call me to the coast near Port-Louis; your duty recalls you to the Luxembourg." "What shall I tell the First Consul, general?" "What you have seen, sir. He must judge between the Abbe Bernier's diplomacy and that of Georges Cadoudal."

In this way we halted before the "Martyrdom of Saint Denis," by Bonnat, the two "Adorations," by Bouguereau, a landscape of Bernier's, some other landscapes, sea pieces, and portraits. At last we left the oil paintings. In the open gallery, which runs around the inside of the huge oblong and looks on the court, the watercolors, engravings, and drawings slumbered, neglected.

'Where, for instance! 'To some new country America. The man burst into a loud laugh. Madame Bernier's face bore more evidence of interest in the play of his features than of that discomfiture which generally accompanies the consciousness of ridicule.

A mistake! the Vendee was pacificated, but the Abbe Bernier had not signed the peace; the Vendee was dead, but the Abbe Bernier was still alive. One day the Vendee was ungrateful to him. He wished to be appointed general agent to the royalist armies of the interior; Stofflet influenced the decision and got his old master, Comte Colbert de Maulevrier, appointed in Bernier's stead.

Whatever may have been Bernier's motives, he certainly acted with some duplicity. Frotté in Normandy was the last to capitulate and the first to feel Bonaparte's vengeance: on a trumped-up charge of treachery he was hurried before a court-martial and shot.

In the Rue Traversiere, in front of the Bland workshop, and in the yard of the Maison-Brulee, in front of tool-maker Bernier's, groups whispered together. Among them was observed a certain Mavot, who never remained more than a week in one shop, as the masters always discharged him "because they were obliged to dispute with him every day."

The list of the latter edifices included, in Bernier's time, a Hindú pagoda claimed by the inhabitants to have been built by Solomon, but it has now disappeared as completely as his better-authenticated effort at Jerusalem. In return, as compensation, a Mohammedan mosque has given place to a modern fort.