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Shadrach, who had been consulting a page of his pocket memorandum book, replied that he cal'lated he'd got his bearin's, and, to the girl's astonishment, stopped before a brick dwelling with a colonial doorway and a white stone step which actually shone from scrubbing, and rang the bell. The maid who answered the bell wore a white apron which crackled with starch.

"Well, you must know, messmates," said he, "that I set sail alone this mornin', havin' in my pocket the small compass I always carry about me also my bearin's before startin', so as I shouldn't go lost in the woods though that wouldn't be likely in such an narrow inlet as this Traitor's Trap, to say nothin' o' the landmarks alow and aloft of all sorts.

"Why, Glynn, what has kept you, lad?" interrupted the captain. "I thought you were a man of your word." "Ay, that's the question, capting," said Rokens, who evidently regarded the new arrival with no favourable feelings; "it's always the way with them gentlemen sailors till they're got into blue water and brought to their bearin's."

Fog? A man like Jo Pomery isn' one to mistake a little pride-o'-the-mornin' for proper thick weather the more by token it's been liftin' this hour and more. But 'tis a likelier guess anyway, the Gauntlet being from foreign. 'Lost his bearin's, says you, and come, as you might say, slap through the Manacles; an' by accident, as you might say!

She began to laugh hysterically, trying to check herself. "I didn't mean you enny harm," said Lund slowly, addressing Peggy. "Why, I wouldn't harm you, gal. You're my woman. You come to me. I was jest jest sorter swept off my bearin's. Why," he turned to Rainey, his voice down-pitching to a growl of angry contempt, "you pen-shovin' whippersnapper, I c'ud break you in ha'f with one hand.

"Up the cliffs the easiest way," cried Barlow, his eyes shining with excitement. "Up there I'll get my bearin's and we'll steer a straight-string line for what's ahead, Headlong, old mate! Step lively is the word now while it's cool. And by noon, if we're in luck " He left the rest to any man's imagination and hastened across the sand and to the rock wall.

"We have more than enough of fish and meat, you see; a day or two will do to turn our deer and bear into dried meat; the snow-shoes are mended, the sledge is in good order, as to-night's work has proved, and all that we've got to do is to start fresh with true bearin's and hey! for home!" "I wish I was there," said Nelly, laying down a marrow-bone with a sigh. "Wishin' ain't enough, Nell."

Growther appeared to be revolving some subject in his mind, and his question, at last, was only seemingly abrupt, for it came at the end of quite a long mental altercation, in which, of course, he took sides against himself. "I say, young man, do you think you could stand me?" "What do you mean?" asked Haldane. "Well, before you say no, you ought to realize all the bearin's of the case.

An' noo, says he, 'what possessed ye to throw up your berth wi' Holdock? "'The new timin', said I. 'The Breslau will not stand it. "'Hoot, oot, said he. 'Ye might ha' crammed her a little enough to show ye were drivin' her an' brought her in twa days behind. What's easier than to say ye slowed for bearin's, eh? All my men do it, and I believe 'em.

What in the world Say, child, you've made a mistake in your bearin's. 'Taint me you want to see, it's some of your folks, relations, most likely. Tell me who they are; maybe I know 'em." The girl sat upright in the big chair. Her dark eyes opened wide and her chin quivered. "Ain't you Captain Cyrus Whittaker?" she demanded. "You said you was." "Yes, yes, I am. I'm Cy Whittaker, but what "