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"It looks as though it might ha' been cut out o' the Police News." "'Owever could you ha' trusted a man with a face like that, Charlie?" ses old Cook. "Come away from 'im, Bill; I don't like such a chap in the room." Jack Bates began to feel very awk'ard. They was all glaring at 'im as though they could eat 'im, and he wasn't used to such treatment.

"`Oh, I t'ought you meant de Dey! says she. `Oh yes; massa's all right; nuffin'll kill massa, he's tough. And de Dey, he's all right too. "`Das good, Angelica, says I, feelin' quite sweet, for I was beginnin' to remember what had took place. "`Yes, das is good, says she; `an', Peter, your fortin's made! "`Das awk'ard, says I, `for I ain't got no chest or strong box ready to put it in.

I've been used to fending for myself in the house I can learn, I can learn." "Eh, to be sure," said Dolly, gently. "I've seen men as are wonderful handy wi' children. The men are awk'ard and contrairy mostly, God help 'em but when the drink's out of 'em, they aren't unsensible, though they're bad for leeching and bandaging so fiery and unpatient.

What's made it so terrible awk'ard for all hands of us is that we're now without a navigator, and have lost our reckonin'. So, after Chips and I had confabulated a bit, we comed to the conclusion that, knowin' as we was well in the track of ships bound to the east'ard, the best thing we could do was to heave-to and wait until somethin' comed along that could spare us somebody to navigate the ship for us to Sydney.

As he descended the short companion-ladder he turned round and observed with a comical look, "I say, Harry, I hope there ain't no stray sarpents knocking about in this here neighbourhood; 'twould be uncommon awk'ard for us to have one of they chaps waiting for us ahead and that infarnal brig still in sight astarn."

'Pears like ter me ez boys an' men-folks air powerful awk'ard, useless critters ter keep in a house; they oughter hev pens outside, I'm a-thinkin'." She had forgotten about the turkey, and Nick was glad enough to escape on these terms. It was not until after he had finished his errand at Aunt Mirandy's house that he chanced to think again of the Conscripts' Hollow.

Moss, "but I was so unlucky wi' the wool last year; and what with the Missis being laid up so, things have gone awk'arder nor usual." "Ay," snarled Mr. Tulliver, "there's folks as things 'ull allays go awk'ard with; empty sacks 'ull never stand upright." "Well, I don't know what fault you've got to find wi' me, Mr. Tulliver," said Mr.

"You must look sharp," said Peter, in what was meant to be an encouraging tone. "The morning's getting on, you know," he added to Tim, "and if those folk down yonder took it in their heads to come this way it'd be awk'ard." "I know," said Tim, and lifting Duke in his arms he handed him over to Peter, thinking Pamela would be sure to follow.

She allus was awk'ard in stays, but she never missed them yet. When she's said her say, round she comes in the wind like a bird, sir." "There's a good old man to stick up for your old wife! Still, I say, they may as well wait a bit. It would be a pity to anger the old gentleman." "What does the young man say to it?"

Tulliver; "I should have nobody to stand between me and sister Glegg if you was gone. And there's nobody but you can get her to make it up with Mr. Tulliver, for sister Deane's never o' my side, and if she was, it's not to be looked for as she can speak like them as have got an independent fortin." "Well, your husband is awk'ard, you know, Bessy," said Mrs.