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You pictured the patient and persistent Miss Bauers, or the oxlike Miss Olson, or Miss Ahearn, or just Gertie hovering within hearing distance of the telephone listening, listening while one o'clock deepened to six for the call that never came; plucking up fresh courage at six until six o'clock dragged on to bedtime. When next they met: "I bet you was there all the time.

Get Stearne house or Ridgeway house. Wanna have it so people say: 'There's Ahearn house. Solid, you know, tha's effec' it gives." Evylyn flushed. This didn't sound right at all. Still Ahearn didn't seem to notice anything amiss, only nodded gravely. "Have you been looking " But her words trailed off unheard as Harold's voice boomed on. "Get house tha's start. Then you get know people.

There were underground reservoirs of naphtha the ground was honeycombed with them that might explode at any moment with the fire raging overhead. The peril was instant and great. Captain Ahearn looked at the body, and saw it stir. The watch-chain upon the man's vest rose and fell as if he were breathing. "He is not dead," he said. "I am going to get that man out."

I didn't love him anny too well f'r that lickin', but I respected him; an', if he'd come into this place to-night, an' he'd be near a hundherd: he was born in th' year '98, an' pikes was hid in his cradle, if he come in here to-night an' pulled me ear, I'd fear to go again him. I wud so. "'Tis th' other way about now. Did ye iver know a man be th' name iv Ahearn? Ye did not?

Th' love iv money was knitted into his heart; an', afther th' la-ad come, th' way he ground th' people that lived in his house was death an' destruction. 'I must provide f'r me own, he said. But thim that was kind to th' kid cud break th' crust, an' all th' r-rough, hard-wurrkin' tenants paid f'r th' favors he give to th' ol' frauds an' beguilin' women that petted Dan'l O'Connell Ahearn.

There's more life on a Saturdah night in th' Ar-rchy Road thin in all th' books fr'm Shakespeare to th' rayport iv th' drainage thrustees. No man, I says, 'iver wrote a book if he had annything to write about, except Shakespeare an' Mike Ahearn. Shakespeare was all r-right. I niver read anny of his pieces, but they sound good; an' I know Mike Ahearn is all r-right." "What did he say?" asked Mr.

They were all listening attentively. Evylyn broke in at the first gap. "Where've you been living, Mr. Ahearn?" she asked interestedly. Then she remembered that Mrs. Ahearn had told her, but it didn't matter. Harold mustn't talk so much. He was such an ASS when he'd been drinking. But he plopped directly back in. "Tell you, Ahearn. Firs' you wanna get a house up here on the hill.

In answer Nick would put one hand one broad, brown, steel-strong hand with its broken discoloured nails on Miss Ahearn's arm, in its flimsy georgette sleeve. Miss Ahearn's eyelids would flutter and close, and a little shiver would run with icy-hot feet all over Miss Ahearn. Nick was like that. Nick's real name wasn't Nick at all or scarcely at all.

Tom sells whisky, and good whisky, and he is able to take care of himself against a half dozen thugs if he runs up against them on Cherry Hill or in Chatharn Square. Pat Ryder and Johnnie Ahearn of the Third and Fourth Districts are just the men for the places. Ahearn's constituents are about half Irishmen and half Jews. He is as popular with one race as with the other.

Her name was Ryan, a little, scared, foolish woman; an' she died whin a boy was bor-rn. Ahearn give her a solemn rayqueem high mass an' a monument at Calv'ry that ye can see fr'm th' fun'ral thrain. An' he come fr'm th' fun'ral with th' first smile on his face that anny man iver see there, an' th' baby in his ar-rms. "I'll not say Ahearn was a changed man.