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"'There rest thyself, and be at last content, he said, scornfully: 'thou false bonze, whisper thence more of thy malicious words into the ears of the great ruler of Siam! "The monarch was disconcerted for a moment, then motioning one of the other bonzes forward, he exclaimed: "'Yu Chan declares that no one in this barge will support his accuser's words.

But while the poor wretch maddening not more with the consciousness of the crime than with the excitement of the poison in his blood thus raved and stormed, a terrible suspicion crossed Walter Ardworth; mechanically, as his grasp was on the accuser's arm, he bared the sleeve, and on the wrist were the dark-blue letters burned into the skin and bearing witness to his identity with the lost Vincent Braddell.

Then suddenly turning on his father, with red brow and flashing eyes: "The fourteen thousand pounds Captain Dodd brought home from India: the fourteen thousand pounds I heard him claim of you with curses: ay, miserable son, and miserable man, that I am, I heard my own father called a villain; and what did my father reply? Did you hurl the words back into your accuser's throat?

No sooner had fame spread abroad the report of Flanagan's two-fold crime, and his imprisonment, than those very people who had only a day or two before inferred that Connor O'Donovan was guilty, because his accuser's conduct continued correct and blameless, now changed their tone, and insisted that the hand of God was visible in Flanagan's punishment.

Generally the defendant's word, so far as the jury can see, is as good as his accuser's. If there are other witnesses it is usually not difficult, and certainly not impossible, to show that they have poor eyesight, bad memories, or are undesirable citizens in general. The criminal lawyer learns in his cradle never to admit anything.

With the security of an honest man and the serenity of a Christian he planned his colossal thefts and reaped their benefits; and whenever he was accused, he could have explained everything, could have got his accuser's sympathy and admiration. I say, could have explained; but he would not. Early in his career, he had learned the first principle of successful crime silence.

I can feel his arms around me now." "And at the gate you needn't deny it, for I saw it all he KISSED you!" "That's right, Aunt Hitty. At his house, he kissed me, too, lots and lots of times. And," she added, her eyes meeting her accuser's clearly, "I kissed him." "How do you suppose I feel to see such goin's on, after all I've done for you?"

Religion a Source of Peace Account of Elkanah and his two Wives Peninnah reproaches Hannah Sin of despising others for their Infirmities the Family at Shiloh Elkanah endeavours to console his Wife her Conduct and Prayer Eli's unjust Imputation Hannah's Defence, and her Accuser's Retractation Return from Shiloh Birth of Samuel his Weaning.

He made charges against his wife concerning several men, and finally concerning Jackson, although the facts that have come down to us and the opinions of those who knew most about the affair all go to show that Jackson acted as a chivalrous protector of a distressed woman, and never knowingly committed any offence against his accuser's home.

Surely nothing could be more natural, or indeed necessary, than that Harry, upon hearing his sex's honour impeached, should seize upon his fair accuser's hand, and vow eternal fidelity upon those charming fingers? What a part they play, or used to play, in love-making, those hands! How quaintly they are squeezed at that period of life!