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"Me bein' weak an' ailin', tho' comin' of a strong family, as allays lived to a good age, thro' bein' in the 'abit of wearin' flannels, which my mother's father thought better nor a-spilin' the inside with chemistry." "Clever man, that detective," murmured Calton to himself. "He got out of her by strategy what he never would have done by force.

"What are you doin' around here, then, a-tumblin' into our vats, and a-spilin' good curds and whey? You don't suppose we want to flavour it with little gals, do you?" Zaidee wasn't sure of anything but that she wanted to get out of her new bath-tub, so she only repeated: "Please take us out, Mr. Man, and we won't fall in again, ever, 'cause we don't like this white water, truly we don't.

"Not?" said the Pedler, "so much the better; marriage ain't love, no, nor love ain't marriage I'm a married cove myself, so I know what I'm a-sayin'; if folk do talk, an' shake their 'eads over ye w'y, let 'em, only don't don't go a-spilin' things by gettin' 'churched. You're a woman, but you're a fine un a dasher, by Goles, nice an' straight-backed, an' round, an' plump if I was this 'ere cove, now, I know what "

Beecot ain't got money, but his looks is takin', and his 'eart is all that an angel can want. My pretty's chice," added the maiden, shaking an admonitory finger, "and my pretty's happiness, so don't you go a-spilin' of it." "I have nothing to say, save to regret that a young lady in possession of five thousand a year should make a hasty contract like this," said Mr.

"Lyin' drunk in a public-'ouse, I'll be bound," she said, viciously pulling up a weed, "a-spendin' 'is, rent and a-spilin' 'is inside with beer ah, men is brutes, drat 'em!" Just as she said this, a shadow fell across the garden, and on looking up, she saw a man leaning over the fence, staring at her. "Git out," she said, sharply, rising from her knees and shaking her trowel at the intruder.

"You shan't come in, I tell you," they heard her say shrilly, "so it's no good trying, which I've allays 'eard as an Englishman's 'ouse is 'is castle, an' you're a-breakin' the law, as well as a-spilin' the carpets, which 'as bin newly put down." Some one made a reply; then the door of Brian's room was thrown open, and Gorby walked in, followed by another man.

"My gran'darter Sal kin tell ye." "Where is she?" asked Kilsip, sharply. At this the old woman threw back her head, and howled dismay. "She's 'ooked it," she wailed, drumming on the ground with her feet. "Gon' an' left 'er pore old gran' an' joined the Army, cuss 'em, a-comin' round an' a-spilin' business." Here the woman on the bed broke out again