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The total of military sick to-day is 1,861, including 828 cases of enteric, 259 cases of dysentery, and 312 wounded. The numbers have slightly diminished lately because an average of fourteen a day have been dying, and all convalescents are hurried back to Ladysmith.

And there was one quasi-public school, opened in 828, in the Toji monastery south of the capital, which was not limited to any family and was open to commoners.

The 31st of January, on which day in 828 the body of St. Mark was brought from Alexandria to Venice, is still observed, though the festival has lost all the splendor which it received from civil intervention. For a thousand years the day was hallowed by a solemn mass in St. Mark's, at which the Doge and his Signory assisted.

A first-class hand-engine company is allowed to number, all told, fifty men, and the members of the company are paid as follows: FIRST-CLASS HAND-ENGINE COMPANY. 1 foreman.......................................... $35 00 1 assistant foreman............................... 28 00 1 clerk........................................... 28 00 1 steward........................................ 68 00 46 men, at $18 each................................ 828 00 50 men.

Wolfe's army consisted of only 4,828 men, Montcalm's of 7,520 men, exclusive of Indians. The English loss amounted to 55 killed and 607 wounded, that of the French to nearly a thousand killed and wounded; and a thousand made prisoners.

The number of persons endangered in such disasters was 2,439, of whom 2,428 were saved and only 11 lost. Other lives which were imperiled, though not by disasters to shipping, were also rescued, and a large amount of property was saved through the aid of this service. The cost of its maintenance during the year was $828,474.43.

Steevens kindly tells me that I have over-printed, and that the curiosity about Johnson is now only in our own circle.... Feb. 25. You must know that I am certainly informed that a certain person who delights in mischief has been depreciating my book, so that I fear the sale of it may be very dubious. Croker's Boswell, p. 828. A certain person was, no doubt, Steevens.

And it should be said that the season for the Detroit River was but 228 days, while of course in London and Liverpool the season was for the entire year. The vessel tonnage passing through the St. Marys Canal for the fiscal year 1892 amounted to 9,828,874 tons, and the freight tonnage of the Detroit River is estimated for that year at 25,000,000 tons, against 23,209,619 tons in 1891.

Summarise our war lending and you get a total of all loans to belligerent Governments since the outbreak of the war that aggregate $1,828,600,000, which is nearly one-third of the whole cost of the Civil War.

Russia comes second with 48,950 miles; Germany third, with 38,600 miles and Canada fourth with 37,437 miles. Russia is second with 537,208 miles; Germany is third with 475,551 miles; and France fourth with 452,192 miles. The total number of locomotives in the United States was 64,760; in Germany 29,520; in United Kingdom 24,718; in Russia 19,984; and in France 13,828.