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But Miss Charnick said, "Why, the hen deserted 'em; they would have perished right there in the nest." But Trueman's wife wouldn't gin in, she stuck right to it, "that it wuz a hen's business, and nobody else's." And of course she had some sense on her side, for of course it is a hen's business, her duty and her prevelege to bring up her chickens.

Yet there was such a good-natured expression in the man's eyes, and so much honest solicitude written on his rough bearded face, that Helmsley felt it would be almost like insulting him to refuse his invitation. "Tell me what's in it first!" he said, smiling. "'Taint whisky," said Peke. "And 'taint brandy neither. Nor rum. Nor gin.

Then he rang the bell. "I've smashed a dirty glass," he said, as the bar-man entered. "How much?" The man told him, and the captain, after a few stern remarks about privacy and harpies, left the room with his friends, leaving the speechless Mr. Kybird gazing at the broken glass and returning evasive replies to the inquiries of the curious Charles. He finished his gin and water slowly.

To be wholly respectable, a man must give up many an enjoyment, but when at last he has become virtuous, he fondly recounts the escapades of former years; and thus the memory of hot blood quickens the feeble pulse of age. Sometimes old Gid would meet the Major at the gin house and joke with him amid the dust and lint, but he always came and departed in a roundabout way, so that Mrs.

He's sharp enough to contrive some tight trap for us. The dose we've gin the skunks may keep 'em off for a while not long, I reck'n. Darnation! Thar's five o' our fellows wiped out already. It looks ugly, an' like enuf we've all got to go under." "Don't you think our best way will be to make a dash for it, and try to cut through them. If we stay here they'll starve us out.

"Gin ye wauken yer neebors yell juist hae to fecht it oot wi' 'em." "Ay, I ken a' that," Auld Jock answered. He smothered a cough in his chest with such effort that it threw him into a perspiration.

Graeme took a step toward the door, and the baby, frightened at Janet's unwonted vehemence, sent up a shrill cry. But Janet put them both aside, and stood with her back against the door. "No' ae step, Miss Graeme. The auld fule that I am; 'gin the lassie had been but in her bed. No, I'll no' take the bairn, sit down there, you'll be sent for if you're needed.

"It must be acknowledged that the Mormons were wilderness breakers of high quality. They not only broke it, but they kept it broken; and instead of the gin mill and the gambling hell, as corner-stones of their progress and as examples to the natives of the white men's superiority, they planted orchards, gardens, farms, schoolhouses and peaceful homes.

Murphy, allowing her passion to rise, and swearing to have revenge of the negro in the next room. "You drink this gin, yet-I have warned you against it," interposes the detective, pointing to some bottles on the bureau. "Faith, an' it's the gin gets a many of us," returns the woman, curtly, as she gathers about her the skirts of her garments.

But when they had been passed from hand to hand, accompanied by the customary exclamations of envy and admiration, back they went into the royal pocket again. "And to think," one of the party remarked afterward, "that we wasted two bottles of perfectly good gin and a bottle of vermouth on him!"