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Pistoia was divided, as it always had been, into the Bianchi and Neri parties; the head of the Bianchi was Bastiano di Possente, and of the Neri, Jacopo da Gia. Each of these men held secret communications with Castruccio, and each desired to drive the other out of the city; and, after many threatenings, they came to blows.

Suddenly Nastasia put her head in to say something in her rich Italian. Madame Olenska, again with a hand at her hair, uttered an exclamation of assent a flashing "Gia gia" and the Duke of St. Austrey entered, piloting a tremendous blackwigged and red-plumed lady in overflowing furs. "My dear Countess, I've brought an old friend of mine to see you Mrs. Struthers.

His Eminence the Lord Prince Cardinal Udeschini was here this afternoon." "What!" gasped Peter. "Ang," said Marietta. "That was Cardinal Udeschini that little harmless-looking, sweet-faced old man!" Peter wondered. "Sicuro the uncle of the Duca," said she. "Good heavens!" sighed he. "And I allowed myself to hobnob with him like a boon-companion." "Gia," said she.

He sent to the Tyrol the following letter regarding Hofer's death: MANTOVA, li 21, Febrajo, 1810. "Ieri poco primo del mezzo giorno e stato fueillato il Signore Andreas Hofer, gia commandante del Tirolo.

The dancer went to the waggon and came back with much food taken from her store, to which she added the hen; the sack held but fodder. "But, Gia," grumbled her brother, "there will be naught for us to- night." "Thou canst eat bread, or else go hungry," she retorted, and filled a small sack with the victuals. Hilarius watched her, hardly daring to hope.

On the 9th I arrived at Frankfort on the Oder, from which place we found more commodious lodgings in traversing Germany, than we had been accustomed to for a long time. While passing the city of Gia , on the 15th of March, I had the good fortune to meet with Stephen Testa, whom I had sent from Moscow to Venice for money.

The Duca has been dead five or six." "And was he also young and lovely?" Peter asked. "Young and lovely! Mache!" derided Marietta. "He was past forty. He was fat. But he was a good man." "So much the better for him now," said Peter. "Gia," approved Marietta, and solemnly made the Sign of the Cross.