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After passing through several other cities, they arrived on the twelfth of the month Zu'lkaadeh, at another river twice as large as the Jihon, which they passed over in boats.

Ramazan; 10. Shawal; 11. Zu'lkaadeh; 12. Zu'lhejjeh. Astl. This year began on Thursday, 16th January, 1420. Astl. Ulug-Beg was the son and successor of Shah-Rokh, and was famous for his astronomical tables. Astl.

They were likewise attended from morning till night by a number of handsome servants. The capital of Khorassan, or Corassan, in the north-east of Persia, then the residence of Shah Rokh. Astl. Or Zu'lkaadeh, as pronounced by the Persians, called Dhu'lkaddeh by the Arabians, which is the eleventh month of the Mahometan year.