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I zee so many nice ladies, so many beautiful ladies, all my friends; and za make me so many compliments. Oh, yes, Miss Chapman, I have so many beautiful young ladies for my friend in ze church." "I don't see how it can be otherwise, Mr. Gusher," returned Mattie, bestowing a look of admiration on him. "I am sure you would have a great many admirers if you lived in Nyack.

I can seem to zee now the exact style of his clothes; white hat, white trousers, white silk handkerchief; and his jonnick face, as white as his clothes with keeping late hours. There was nothing black about him but his hair and his eyes he wore no beard at that time and they were black as slooes. The like of his coming on the race-course was never seen there afore nor since.

In six weeks Philip again found himself at anchor in the Zuyder Zee, and having the captain's permission, he immediately set off for his own home, taking with him the old Portuguese priest, Mathias, with whom he had formed a great intimacy, and to whom he had offered his protection for the time he might wish to remain in the Low Countries.

Pewings, our washerwoman, who had been accused of intemperance and had been suspended from communion, reappearing with a face that shone with soap and sanctification, and saying to me, 'Oh! blessed Child, you're wonderin' to zee old Pewings here again, but He have rolled away my mountain! For once, I was absolutely at a loss, but she meant that the Lord had removed the load of her sins, and restored her to a state of grace.

Then they struck the trail made by their quarry and the work became less arduous and the pace quickened. "By gar!" cried Bènard as they hit the trail, "we get dem now, dey make zee trail for us." "Yes," answered Stane, his eyes ablaze with excitement.

"Yo' wish zee table, señors?" he inquired. "P'raps like zee chile con carne, or zee " "We don't want anything to eat," interrupted Stratton. "I understand Sheriff Hardenberg is here. Could I see him a minute?" "Oh, zee shereef!" shrugged the Mexican, with a characteristic gesture of his hands. "He in zee back room with José Maria. Yo' please come zis way."

A burst of light laughter reached the men by the camp fire and Jean Bènard looked round. "What ees ze saying of your countrymen, p'liceman? 'Youth eet veel be served! It veel snatch eet's happiness from zee jaws of death, eetself." "Yes! And these two deserve the happiness they will get!"

But ze suberscribed condition of my accommodation shall prevent ze carry out of my obligation wiz your lovely daughter. You shall zee, madam, as I am a man yes, madam, a gentleman of 'onar. I shall get all my enemies undar my feet. Zen I shall do myself ze 'onar to marry your lovely daughter. Allow me, madam. I shall subscribe myself your friend. "Impudence to the very last," said Mrs.

Com', ve must feed here," said the professor, resting his gun against one of the roots, "I had expected to find zee bootterflies sooner. It cannot be helped. Let us make zis our banqueting-hall. Ve vill have a Durian to refresh us, ant here is a handy tree which seems to have ripe vones on it. Go," he added, turning to the orang-utan, "and send down von or two."

We weel mak' Chief George tell zee truth." "If we can!" commented Stane dubiously. "As you say, eef we can. But somethings we shall learn, m'sieu, dat ees certain." "I hope so, Jean."