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"That was what I wanted," he said, as a few bites disposed of the first sandwich and he took another. The boatman nodded approvingly. "He's goin' to be fine angler, all right," he said. "Major Dare, if zat tuna's over a hundred, ze boy ought to get ze button. Zat's ze right rod an' line an' it was caught accordin' to ze rules of ze club."

If it was one of my girls, why has she not come?" Ruth had turned away, ostensibly to pull down the little window shade but really to send a swift searching glance out across the Green. "She went the other way," she replied, rather breathlessly. Olga sprang to her feet. "Now, what is zat little fool up to?" she cried, angrily. "If I catch her running out to meet men at zis hour of "

They obeyed her and left five horsemen at the foot of the mountain, whilst the rest rode on before Zat al-Dawahi, who gained new strength for excess of joy, so that Zau al-Makan said, "Glory be to Him who sustaineth this holy man, whose like we never saw!" I am resolved to slay the Monk Matruhina, since my scheme cannot be carried out but by taking his life.

"But you can be all zat if you try!" said the Baron eagerly. "Go to Germany and get trained. I did vork twelve hours a day for ten years to be vat I am." "I'm different," replied the young peer gloomily. "Nobody ever trained me. Old Tulliwuddle might have taken me up if he had liked, but he was prejudiced against me. I can't become all those things now." "And yet you do want to marry the lady?"

How came it to grow in this way?" "I know not. It is zought zat zey spring from a seed dropped by a bird into zee fork of anozer tree. Zee seed grows, sends his roots down ant his branches up. Ven his roots reach zee ground he lays hold, ant, ven strong enough, kills his support zus returning efil for good, like a zankless dependent. Ah! zere is much resemblance between plants and animals!

And him zat on a style, long zide the tharn bush, and 'a took 'ee's gun, and 'a zays, 'A'll shute vust man are maid as cumes acrust thiccy vield, 'a zays. And us knowed 'un wude du 't tu. And 'un barred the gate, and there t'was." He laughed till the tears ran down his face, brown as gingerbread, and wrinkled as a monkey's. "Mr. Crewys is in a hurry, Jack," said Sarah.

The quick eye of the grand duke at once espied Prince Adalbert running to field a ball. "Ach, he is zlimmer!" he said in a tone of satisfaction. "Zlimmer? He is zlimmer, your Highness. Id iz zat leedle she-devil-child. She nevare nod nevare leds 'im be steel. All ze day she makes 'im roosh and roosh. He haf nevare no breath in hees loongs nod nevare!" "Ach, zo?" said the grand duke calmly.

'And what are their names? she inquired. 'Dis is Fidilini, signorina, and zat one wif ze white nose is Macaroni, and zat ovver is Cristoforo Colombo. Elizabetta appeared in the doorway with two rush-covered flasks, and Tony hurried forward to receive them.

Presently my colours broke from one of Zat Arras' ships. Then from another and another. On some we could see fierce battles waging between the Zodangan soldiery and the Heliumetic crews, but eventually the colours of the Prince of Helium floated above every ship that had followed Zat Arras upon our trail only his flagship flew them not. Zat Arras had brought five thousand ships.

"Mine frond," said the professor, turning his moon-like goggles full on the hermit. "I vill go viz you." "I should be only too happy to have your company," returned the hermit, "but my canoe cannot by any contrivance be made to hold more than three." "Zat is no matter to me," rejoined Verkimier; "you forget zee trader's boat. I vill go in zat to Sumatra.