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She appeared to be trying to console me for some loss, but the strange thing was that sometimes she spoke with her own voice and sometimes with Yva's, and sometimes looked at me with her own eyes and sometimes with those of Yva. I remember nothing else about these dreams, which were very confused. After one of them, the most vivid of all, I awoke and looked at my watch.

Possibly if Yva's theory, as I understood it, were correct, he had reincarnated as Attila, or Tamerlane, or Napoleon, or even as Chaka the terrible Zulu king. At any rate there he was still in the world, filled with the dread of death, but consumed now as ever by his insatiable and most useless finite ambitions. Yva, also! Her case was his, but yet how different.

I believe those beastly caves are full of ghosts, or devils, and the worst of it is that they have kept my solar-tope, which I put on this morning forgetting that it would be useless there." "The Lady Yva's Fourth Dimension in action," I suggested, "only it wouldn't work on solar-topes."

As it was, with one hand he gripped me by the beard and with the other grasped Yva's robe, of neither of which would he leave go for quite a long time, although we forced him on to his face. The lantern which he held flew from his grasp and descended the shaft on its own account. "You silly fool!" exclaimed Bickley whose perturbation showed itself in anger. "There goes one of our lamps."

There was something very wonderful about this benediction of Yva's and it thrilled me through and through, so that to it I could make no answer. Next moment it was too late to retreat, for our narrowing passage turned and we found ourselves in a wondrous place.

As yet I had said nothing to her of it because in some way I felt that she did not wish me to do so, felt also that she was well aware of all that passed within my heart, and desired, as it were, to give it time to ripen there. Then one day there came a change, and though no glance or touch of Yva's told me so, I knew that the bars were taken down and that I might speak.

This may have happened either in the earth tremor, which no doubt was caused by the advance of the terrific world-balance, or when the electric power, though diffused and turned by Yva's insulated body, struck the great gyroscope's travelling foot with sufficient strength, not to shift it indeed on to the right-hand path as Oro had designed, but still to cause it to stagger and even perhaps to halt for the fraction of a second.

Look again!" I looked and it was Yva's face that was pressed against my own, and Yva's eyes that gazed into mine. Only she was garbed as my wife had been, and on her bosom hung the changeful necklace. "You may not stay," she whispered, and lo! it was my wife that spoke, not Yva. "Tell me what it means?" I implored. "I cannot," she answered. "There are mysteries that you may not know as yet.

Follow it, and should you win through, take your boat and sail away as swiftly as you can. Whether you die or live I care nothing, but my hands will be clean of your blood, although yours are stained with Yva's. Begone! and my curse go with you." Without waiting for further words we went to fetch our lanterns, water-bottles and bag of food which we had laid down at a little distance.

He said that he had lived a thousand years, but what was there to prove this except his word, which is worth nothing?" "There was the Lady Yva's word also, which is worth a great deal, Bickley." "Yes, but she may have meant a thousand moons. Further, as according to her own showing she was still quite young, how could she know her father's age?" "Quite so, Bickley.