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There remained nothing to do but test the line, and Tex, after making sure everything was in order, glanced over his men, who lounged in front of the Las Vegas shack. "Yuh may as well stay down at this end," he remarked, looking at Buck, "while the rest of us go back. Stick around where yuh can hear the bell, an' if it don't ring in, say, an hour, try to get the house yourself.

"I know these here hombres, to my sorrer, too, now I'm tellin' yuh!" But Luck, feeling that his leadership might as well be established then as any time, pushed the old man back. "What you want?" he demanded of the foremost who rode up. "Didn't you hear me tell you to keep out around the cattle?" "Adonde va V con mi vaca?" snapped the first rider in high-keyed Spanish.

They're very nice people, but they can't talk," said Una to Bessie Kraker, at lunch in the office, on a February day. "How do yuh mean 'can't talk'? Are they dummies?" inquired Bessie. "Dummies?" "Yuh, sure, deef and dumb." "Why, no, I mean they don't talk my language they don't, oh, they don't, I suppose you'd say 'conversationalize. Do you see?" "Oh yes," said Bessie, doubtfully.

"I wish I'd thought to bring a prune pie," he told her daringly, in his eagerness half strangling over a crumb of cake. "Nobody wants prune pie at a picnic," declared one of the fat women sententiously. "You might as well bring fried bacon and done with it." "Picnics," added the other and fatter woman, "iss for getting somet'ings t' eat yuh don'd haff every day at home."

"Them tires you mended ain't worth a cuss," Smith came around finally to complain. "I didn't get ten mile out with 'em before I had another blowout. I tell yuh what I'll do. I'll trade yuh goats fer tires. I got two milk goats that's worth a hundred dollars apiece, mebby more, the way goats is selling on the Coast.

"He could buy hay," Thurston persisted. "Buy hay for fifty thousand cattle? Where would he get it? Say, Bud, I guess yuh don't realize that's some cattle. All ails you is, yuh don't savvy the size uh the thing. I'll bet yuh there won't be less than three hundred thousand head cross this river before spring." "Some of them belong in Canada you said so yourself."

For answer Pop felt of his back and groaned. "Oh, I'll pay fer it, young feller! I don't look fer much peace with my back fer a week, after this. But you kin make sure of one thing, and that is, I ain't goin' to talk in my sleep none. By Christmas, We'll make this horse of yours bring us in something! I guess you better turn yore horses all out in the pasture. Dave, he'll give yuh work all right.

And I ain't a doubt in the world but what his folks would be glad enough " "Forget that stuff!" Bud's tone was so sharp that Lovin Child turned clear around to look up curiously into his face. "You know why you never reported him, doggone yuh! You couldn't give him up no easier than I could.

Straight now, are you?" "Yes, sir, it does make me feel a little blue been here so long. But it'll be awful good to get out at sea." "Yuh, I know, Wrenn. I'd like to go traveling myself I suppose you fellows think I wouldn't care to go bumming around like you do and never have to worry about how the firm's going to break even. But Well, good-by, old man, and don't forget us.

She may not have meant that for an invitation, but Billy followed her into the kitchen and calmly shut the door behind him. She dipped warm water out of the reservoir for him and hung a fresh towel on the nail above the washstand in the corner, and seemed about to leave him again. "Yuh mad yet?" asked Billy, because he wanted to keep her there. "Mad? Why?" She opened her eyes at him.