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It's dear and poor the further yous get," he told them. And "Cook's Wall is the rail-head, chum," he said. "It's in the Lower Warrilow. There's a bit o' manganese down there, and they're clearing land. Plenty of work waiting. Lot of new squatters small squatters without two fardens to rub together and make a chink. Them assisted lot. They're always glad of help, clearing scrub.

'Spects de ole house git cole an dull to yous now; 'spects de yun Massas want git home?" "Well, no, Clump," answered Drake; "I don't want to go away that is, we would not want to go if if if we had not been somewhat frightened this evening."

I've tried all I know, but ye're awake one minit, an' chasin' a butterfly wi' a cow's 'ead the next. But that ain't wot I'm a-talkin' about. Paasch 'e's blue mouldy, an' couldn't catch a snail unless yer give 'im a start; an' if yer went ter Packard's, yer'd tell the manager ter go to 'ell, an' git fired out the first week. Yous must be yer own boss, Joe.

"Why then indeed, ma'am is it ma'am or Mother I ought to call ye?" "'Sister' we are all Sisters here, though some of the people call Sister Superior 'Reverend Mother." "Ah, that indeed?" said Mrs. Brady, raising herself a little in the bed and speaking with great dignity, "Ye see yous are not the sort o' nuns I'm used to, so you'll excuse me if I don't altogether spake the way I ought.

But I puts it up like this: here's you, and you'd spotted me, and you hadn't snitched; you'd been in 'stir' yourself, and knowed what it was: d'ye see?" I smiled in the darkness. It was the brotherhood of the underworld. "And you lined up square at the finish, too, as I knowed yous would," he went on.

Yous ain't no good to us no more." Sam scratched a match on his trousers and lit an old pipe that he held between his teeth, but as the match flared up and showed his own face a lowering brow, shifty eyes, a swarthy, unkempt visage, sullen and sly, the shifty eyes were not looking at the pipe but up at the face above him which shone out white and fine with its gold halo in the little gleam in the dark court.

Everybody did work an we sho had plenty to eat an wear. "I had plenty when I stayed at my father's an we worked together all the time. When he died I married. I've had a hard time not able to work. There ain't no hard time if yous able to get bout. I pieces quilts an sells em now. Sells em if I can. Some women promissed to come git 'em but they ain't come yet. I wanter buy me some shoes.

"It would be very nice to have two yous." Madge flushed, and the girls laughed. "Of all the precious things to say," she exclaimed. "Phyllis, I can't speak for the rest, but as far as I am concerned your nose is completely out of joint." Just then the bell rang, and the day's lessons began. The next recess was at eleven-thirty, when hot chocolate and crackers were served.

The watchman opened his eyes wider, losing some of his sleepy expression; and observed the speaker and his companion the small, shrinking, frightened-looking little woman who bore so heavily on her escort's arm, as if ready to drop with exhaustion. It appeared that he knew Maitland by sight, or else thought that he did. "Oh, ye're Mister Maitland, ain't yous?" he said.

She made no fuss when the child was born, and Jonah, who meditated flight, in fear of maintenance, was assured he had nothing to worry about. Mrs Yabsley had a brief interview with him at the street corner. "As fer puttin' yous inter court, I'll wait till y'earn enough ter keep yerself, an' Gawd knows w'en that'll 'appen," she remarked pleasantly.