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"Tell Mr. Witherspoon to come, too, and also that bright chap you call Rob," remarked the recluse. "It is a little matter that may interest you and I think it best to lay the story before you, and then let you decide for yourselves what you want to do. Still, from what I've seen up to this time of your character, I can give a pretty shrewd guess what your answer will be."

Are you sure that you have never committed wrong acts, for which you pardoned yourselves because their object was so slight, though at bottom they implied more wickedness than a crime prompted by misery or fury?

"I don't accuse him of anything; but here are the facts, and you can all see for yourselves." "You throw your coat down anywhere. It would have gone overboard from the sloop if I hadn't saved it; and it won't do for so careless a man as you are to accuse anybody of stealing your money," added Lawry angrily. "Very likely you lost it out of the pocket before you got into the ferry-boat."

"My dear children, it is God who has commanded me to send you amongst the Saracens, to make known His faith, and refute the law of Mahomet. I shall go in a different direction to work for the conversion of the same infidels, and thus I shall send preachers over the whole earth. Prepare yourselves, therefore, to fulfil the will of the Lord.

Do you enlist yourselves in the company that fires at the long range, and all those that take aim at the shorter ones will seem to be very pitifully limiting their powers. Then remember that this same aim, and this same result may be equally pursued and attained whether here or yonder.

And that is what too many of us do when God says to us, 'Here, My child! let Me help you, I will take the heavy end of it, and do you take the light one. 'Cast thy burden upon the Lord' and do it by faith, by simple trust in Him, by making real to yourselves the fact of His divine sympathy, and His sure presence, to aid and to sustain.

Ah, there he is in rags and misery; yet he was an industrious, well-conducted, and respectable man once, that is before he took to drink! Prevention, my dear friends, is always better than cure, and in binding yourselves by this most salutary obligation, you know not how much calamity and suffering how much general misery how much disgrace and crime you may avoid.

For as soon as they are rich they hate you, and they do not prepare themselves to obey, but to rule you, and fearing for what they have stolen, they are ready to seize fortified places, to set up an oligarchy, and to do everything to place you daily in the greatest danger; for thus they think that you will no longer pay attention to their offenses, but that, fearing for yourselves and the state, you will keep quiet in regard to them. 8.

Do you call yourselves able seamen, and say you know nothing about square-rigged craft?" "We're able seamen on the Lakes. We can get along in schooners. That's what we came down for." Captain Benson's lips puckered, and he whistled softly. "The Lakes," he said "lake sailors. What part of the Lakes?" "Oswego. We're all union men."

Remember, too, how connected with this is another piece of effort needful in the religious life, and suggested by the last words of this text, 'Before the Lord his God. Cultivate the habit of narrowing down the general truths of religion to their relation to yourselves.