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"That's more than I can tell you, ma'am. It lay on the floor in my room two nights back, and I picked it up. Well, if it ain't yourn, and I can't find no owner, it'ull do as a wedding-present for Bet." He slipped the purse again into his pocket and made off.

From start to finish you've been stung." He turned mockingly to Banule: "As we know, Alphy, generally there's a kind of honor among crooks that keeps us from squeakin' on each other, but that little speech of yourn about takin' a turn of a las' rope round my neck kind of put me on the prod.

However, by this time she had somewhat recovered herself, and, approaching him, she stooped and tried to shut the box. 'You take yourself off, she said, desperately, pushing him with her fist. 'That money's no business o' yourn. It's John's, an he's comin back directly. He gave it us to look after, an I wor countin it. March! there's your father comin!

"De crap's yourn," said she, affected by his surrender, but prepared only to compromise. "He say he gwine teck all dat for de rent, and dat he gwine drive Ole 'Stracted 'way too." "He ain' nuttin but po' white trash!" It expressed her supreme contempt.

"I don't know but you look nice enough to go just as you be," she suggested doubtfully. "No, you wouldn't want to wear that pretty blue dress o' yourn 'way up country. 'Taint dusty now, but it may be comin' home. No, I expect you'd rather not wear that and the other hat." "Oh yes. I shouldn't think of wearing these clothes," said I, with sudden illumination.

Thomas Trevor, be this dog yourn or mine? Now, look you, if you don't all of you shut your bloody mouths, I'll take the dog 'ome and keep him. There now!" He was a born leader of men. A singular depression and lowness of spirit showed itself on the boys' faces. They recognized that the threat might very possibly be executed, and their countenances were at once composed to humble attention.

I'd been tied up about three weeks when the justice looked in one day, and after inquiring for me, and saying, 'good morning, Jack, and seeming a little by the head: 'about this affair of yourn, Jack, says he, 'now, if you'll mind your eye when you get out my trouble's worth ten dollars-and pay me, I'll discharge you, and charge the costs to the State.

Shrig busied with his little book and a stumpy pencil, much as if he had been composing a sermon or address, while Anthony, lounging upon the settee, watched him with lazy interest. "A on-commonly taking cove, sir, that young man o' yourn!" said Mr. Shrig, pocketing book and pencil. "Not more so than other servants, I believe," I answered.

She was 'bout seven or eight years old, and the cunnin'est young un ye ever see. Jus' the same eyes she's got now, only they looked bigger, 'cause her cheeks was caved in." "Not Ruby, Jim!" I cried, in astonishment. "Yes, Ruby. That's what was on the tag." "And she isn't Marvin's child?" "No more'n she's yourn, nor mine. She ain't nobody's child that anybody knows about.

"Then yu knows how yore cayuse got in an' how mine got out," said the latter. "I wish yu would explain," he added, fondling his Colts. Mr. Travennes frowned and remained silent. "I can tell yu, anyhow," continued Mr. Cassidy, still smiling, but his eyes and jaw belied the smile. "Yu took them cayuses out because yu wanted yourn to be found in their places.