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Sent away half a dozen bags, mostly mainlan' black. Too close in to be much good." "Well, I suppose you'se no objection to me anchoring here for a bit and 'seeing what I can do with the leavings?" said Black Charley. "We found the patch, and it's too small for two boats. We'd be better friends if you cleared off and left it to us," replied Jim. "But if you're up to dirty tricks stay where you are.

She threw a kiss toward the cabin under the trees and shook with silent laughter as she muttered, "Dat fer you, Chunk. You de beat'nst nigger I eber see. You mos' ez bro'd ez I is high, yit you'se reachin' arter me.

Anyhow, you'se hab ter act out de lies ef you didn't say 'em. 'Ud dat be hon'ble wen all de time you'se yearnin fer each oder?" "Oh, Aun' Sheba, it's hard enough without such words as yours!" "Ob corse it's hard. It orter be, fer it's agin de Lawd an natur. Marse Clancy, took keer wot you do, an wot you let Missy Mara do. My 'sperience teach me a heap.

Even his white wool always seemed bristling aggressively and controversially. His fiery spirit influenced his commonest acts. When he boiled potatoes his customers were wont to say "he made 'em bile like de debil." He carried his energy into his religion, one of his favorite exhortations in the prayer-meeting being, "Ef you sinners wants to'scape you'se got to git up an' git."

Then, catching an inspiration, he asked: "Why does you swaller when you'se chawin' a piece of cake?" "I don't know; just do. I reckon!" "Dar now, Mesmie, ain' he a smart li'l man?" the old fellow chuckled. "Dat's de ve'y reason you jes' do! An' dat's 'zackly what de knuckles does dey jes' do! Now, since we done relieve ourse'ves on dat pint, le's move 'long!"

You'se fellers are a happy lot o' Jonahs to a man as needs rest." "You're sure doing the cacklin' now," observed Bill contemptuously. "Maybe he's layin' eggs," murmured Toby vaguely. The men were standing on the veranda, gathered round the bench on which Sunny Oak was still resting his indolent body. And the subject of their discourse was Scipio's two children.

I now and then feel so desperate and wicked, that I am afraid of myself." "Dere now, you'se worried and worn-out and you tinks dat's bein' wicked." "No. I'm satisfied it is something worse than that. I wonder if God does care about people who are in trouble, I mean practically, so as to help them any?" "Well, I specs he does," said Hannibal vaguely.

"Oh, that is it, Clump consolation, eh? Well, I must get a pipe some time and try it," I said. "No, Massa Bob," joined in Juno, who was knocking out the ashes from her pipe on the head of the fire-dog "no, Massa Bob you'se munno 'moke. 'Spects, ef you'se do, you find de way tur constollaton, dat ole Clump talk of, cum tru much tribble-laison he! he! he!" I had to laugh at the old woman's wit.

Yo' ways am ways of pleasantness and all yo' paths am peace, but I'se powahful skeered dat you'se gwine to be an ole maid. I sholy is." "Is that so, Lloyd?" asked Gay, leaning over Kitty's shoulder to laugh at the Little Colonel's teased expression. Kitty answered for her. "Not if we can help it.

You are both useful citizens and supporters ob de gospel, and I'm concerned fer your welfare, bodily as well as sperital." "Aun' Sheba," said her daughter, "you'se my moder an' I ought ter be de fust one ter help ease you up. I just dun declar dat you'se got ter take Vilet ter help you up. I kin spar her, an' I will spar her.