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You'se fellers are a happy lot o' Jonahs to a man as needs rest." "You're sure doing the cacklin' now," observed Bill contemptuously. "Maybe he's layin' eggs," murmured Toby vaguely. The men were standing on the veranda, gathered round the bench on which Sunny Oak was still resting his indolent body. And the subject of their discourse was Scipio's two children.

That's Jonah sure, 'less you sing it after all our salt's wet." "No, 'tain't, is it, Dad? Not unless you sing the very las' verse. You can't learn me anything on Jonahs!" "What's that?" said Harvey. "What's a Jonah?" "A Jonah's anything that spoils the luck. Sometimes it's a man sometimes it's a boy or a bucket. I've known a splittin'-knife Jonah two trips till we was on to her," said Tom Platt.

And then the character of the ministry fared still worse in public estimation. That Lincoln, the President, was honest, and that Chase, the Secretary of the Treasury, was able, was the only good that one heard spoken. At this time two Jonahs were specially pointed out as necessary sacrifices, by whose immersion into the comfortless ocean of private life the ship might perhaps be saved.

The later breed of Jonahs may profitably study the after scene, in which God is made to rebuke the frightful selfishness and hardness which, rather than have one's theories belied, would have a city damned.

The storm is sure to break where His Jonahs try to hide, and their only hope lies in bowing to the chastisement and consenting to be punished, and avowing whose they are and whom they serve.

"What did you see?" "I saw . . . ," he muttered, "I saw . . . but we mustn't talk . . . save our strength . . . !" What had he seen? Then, lord knows why, the thought of the monster came into my head for the first time . . . ! But even so, that voice . . . ? Gone are the days when Jonahs took refuge in the bellies of whales! Nevertheless, Conseil kept towing me.

Buck's grit, elegant grit, but Bob wal, I'd say he's the wisest guy west of Chicago, when it comes to stringin' up a crook." "I'm with you, boss," cried Diamond Jack, in a quick rage. "This farm needs lookin' to to-night sure. We got to git in 'fore sheriffs git around. They're playin' a low-down racket. Jonahs don't cut no ice with me, but they're chasin' up glory agin the camp.

That's what we're goin' to do, an' I'm the man who'll start the bonfire. Say, we'll make it like a fourth o' July. We'll have one royal time an' we'll be quit of all Jonahs." As he finished speaking he leapt to the ground amidst the crowd. Nor did he need to wait to hear the response to his appeal.

The snails were red-tanned. "Frenchmen!" shouted Dan. "No, 'tain't, neither. Da-ad!" "That's no French," said Disko. "Salters, your blame luck holds tighter'n a screw in a keg-head." "I've eyes. It's Uncle Abishai." "You can't nowise tell fer sure." "The head-king of all Jonahs," groaned Tom Platt. "Oh, Salters, Salters, why wasn't you abed an' asleep?"

The prime minister had not absolutely walked forth, followed by all his satellites, as is the case when a successful turn in the wheel gives the outs a full whip-hand over the ins, but it had become necessary to throw overboard a brace or two of Jonahs, so that the ship might be lightened to meet a coming storm; and among those so thrown over had been our unfortunate friend Sir Henry Harcourt.