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'Tis well ye've had ut out wid Shtromberg. Fer all his crookedness, he's a bether man thin th' boss, an' he'll not be layin' that lickin' up ag'in yez. 'Twas a foight av his own pickin', an' he knows ye've got him faded.

Haven't they treated yez like the dirt under their feet? hunted yez like bloodhounds, as they are and as if ye were mad dogs? What is there that they haven't made yez suffer? Shame, sin, poverty, hardship, bloodshed, ruin, death, and madness; look there" he added, vehemently pointing to his insane mother "there's one proof that you see; and you've heard and know the rest. And now for their trial."

"Arrah, let me go, Corp'ril! let me go, I tell yez! 'Tis the banshee who knows it better than I? that heard the very spit of it the day my brother Mick was drowned in Waterford harbour, and me at Ballyroan that time in Queen's County, and a long twenty-five miles away as ever the crow flies!" "Ah, hold your whist, my son!

Mulloy lingered with Gallup as Frank turned away. "Whativer is atin' yez, Ephie?" demanded Barney. "Phwoy don't yez spake up and tell the truth?" "Haow do yeou know I ain't told the truth?" asked Gallup, with mingled offense and shame. "Oi've bunked with yez for a year.

So he's come an' carried off the señorita! Well, I've found the ghost." "Found the ghost!" gasped Mrs. Russell. "Mesilf has. Begorra, it's the truth I'm tellin'. Do ye know his name?" "His name!" gasped Mrs. Russell, once more thinking of her late terrible fancy. "Yis, his name; ye can't guess it? No? Well, I'll tell yez. It's Ashby." "Ashby! Mr. Ashby!" cried Mrs. Russell.

And now I've come to ask yez, just as a favor to me, not to wear that new bonnet from New York, to-morrow." It was some moments before, the surprise occasioned by so novel and unexpected a request left Mrs. Claudine free to make any reply. "Why, Kitty!" she at length exclaimed, "what on earth can you mean?"

Mother ov Moses! is it yerself I hear?" The voice reached us in a hoarse whisper. It appeared to rise out of the earth! For some moments, we all stood, as if petrified by surprise. "Shure-shat!" continued the voice, "won't yez help me out? I'm too wake to get up the bank." "Petrick, as I'm a livin' sinner! Good Lordy, Petrick! wheer air ye? 'Tain't possyble yeer alive?"

"Excuse me," says I; "but maybe it would help, Maggie, if you'd say right out what it is you've got in the shed there." "What is ut?" says she, tossin' her head defiant. "As though you didn't know! Well, it's a pig, then." "A pig!" sneers the Lieutenant. "Very likely, that is!" "Yez didn't think it was a hip-pot-ta-mus, did ye?" comes back Maggie.

"So it is," said McGowan cheerily. "An' yez know what payday means in a new town wid a show on the spot." "I should say I did." "Well, as I was about to say," continued Myles, "wid an entertainment on hand, indepindint of its bein' the anniversary to commimorate the foundashon of the place, I think Gotown will make a record for herself on that occasion."

Haven't I been for the last mortal month guardin' him aginst yez, you villains?" "To-morrow evenin'?" "Ay, to-morrow evenin'; an' if we don't give him a gauliogue that'll make him dance the circumbendibus widout music never believe that my name's any thing else than Tom Thin, that got thick upon spring wather.