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'Yevgeny Vassilvitch is still living? You are his father? I have a doctor with me. 'Benefactress! cried Vassily Ivanovitch, and snatching her hand, he pressed it convulsively to his lips, while the doctor brought by Anna Sergyevna, a little man in spectacles, of German physiognomy, stepped very deliberately out of the carriage. 'Still living, my Yevgeny is living, and now he will be saved!

'What do you mean by my affair with Anna Sergyevna? 'Why, didn't you come here from the town on her account, chicken? By the way, how are those Sunday schools getting on? Do you mean to tell me you're not in love with her? Or have you already reached the stage of discretion? 'Yevgeny, you know I have always been open with you; I can assure you, I will swear to you, you're making a mistake.

'I'm leaving you my address, in case there's any fuss, Bazarov remarked casually. 'I hope there will be no fuss, Yevgeny Vassilyitch.... I am very sorry your stay in my house should have such a ... such an end. It is the more distressing to me through Arkady's ...

YEVGENY ALEXEYITCH PODZHAROV, the jeune premier, a graceful, elegant young man with an oval face and little bags under his eyes, had come for the season to one of the southern towns of Russia, and tried at once to make the acquaintance of a few of the leading families of the place.

What for? Surely you can't attach any importance to idle gossip? Madame Odintsov frowned. It annoyed her that he had given such a meaning to her words. 'Such gossip does not affect me, Yevgeny Vassilyitch, and I am too proud to allow it to disturb me. I am unhappy because ... I have no desires, no passion for life.

For two whole days he held himself in, though he did not at all like the look of his son, whom he kept watching stealthily, ... but on the third day, at dinner, he could bear it no longer. Bazarov sat with downcast looks, and had not touched a single dish. 'Why don't you eat, Yevgeny? he inquired, putting on an expression of the most perfect carelessness.

But I don't believe you. You could not say that seriously. Bazarov still sat immovable. 'Yevgeny Vassilyitch, why don't you speak? 'Why, what am I to say to you? People are not generally worth being missed, and I less than most. 'Why so? 'I'm a practical, uninteresting person. I don't know how to talk. 'You are fishing, Yevgeny Vassilyitch. 'That's not a habit of mine.

'You are parting from me for ever, Yevgeny, responded Arkady mournfully; 'and have you nothing else to say to me? Bazarov scratched the back of his head. 'Yes, Arkady, yes, I have other things to say to you, but I'm not going to say them, because that's sentimentalism that means, mawkishness. And you get married as soon as you can; and build your nest, and get children to your heart's content.

People like them are not to be found in your great world.... I was needed by Russia.... No, it's clear I wasn't needed. And who is needed?" Bazaroff put his hand to his brow. Madame Odintsov bent down to him. "Yevgeny Vassilyvitch, I am here...." He at once took his hand away and raised himself. "Good-bye," he said, with a sudden force, and his eyes gleamed with their last light.

You, Yevgeny, I shall of course offer my study. Suum cuique. 'There you have him! A comical old chap, and very good-natured, remarked Bazarov, directly Vassily Ivanitch had gone. 'Just such a queer fish as yours, only in another way. He chatters too much. 'And your mother seems an awfully nice woman, observed Arkady. 'Yes, there's no humbug about her. You'll see what a dinner she'll give us.